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MaskedToastBret is my new king fr fr
ArcanistWolfeven i'm confused on the current argument- lol
DiamondseekSo nothing abnormal
DiamondseekArguing about curry
FunnyRascalwhat is chat doin rn
DiamondseekI too have an opinion on this matter
TheNewKingBretim back and toast is online!!!
MaskedToastbecause cury has layers
Enixtywhat is it then wellrated?
Enixtyi too enjoy a curry
MaskedToastand you are still wrong
Enixtyi say that ts overrated
Enixtyi'M not saying curry is bad
MaskedToastCurry is good are your opinion is bad.
GemWolfZOBJECTION: yummy ^_^
Enixtyany arguments?
MaskedToastyou are just wrong
Enixtyjust being honest
GemWolfZi'll fight you on that
MaskedToasthow dare you
EnixtyCurry is overrated
Hollowarcits one of the tower rewards iirc
ZeroStarKaiWhen can I get a dusk stone in cloudia?
ZeroStarKaiI wanna evolve this Murkrow
Hollowarcwill do
ZeroStarKaiHey Azria
MaskedToastnice curry
SamKuklareport it in the disc
MaskedToastwdym brokenN
★Azria ★lunch break. time for curry 2107_08c9089ddb86bdda.png
Hollowarcnot for me lol
SamKukla@ hollo
SamKuklaxp candies got fixed
MaskedToasti think so
Enixtyare they like in sword adn shield?
ZeroStarKaiwhen can you get a dusk stone in cloudia?
Hollowarcoh xp candies are BROKEN broken
GemWolfZhello azria
Araimaalso has Ninetails so they have extrasensory...wish the poor thing could learn Psychic >.>
AraimaI started with bulba so if I need powders I use them
DiamondseekUnmatched psychich prowess
Araimait's acually just been my psychic move user xD
MaskedToastbutterfree high key good in kanto
DiamondseekPowder moves go brrrr
AraimaButterfree has also been real good to me this run
Enixtyyou mean like anounced to public?
GemWolfZyeah unsure how long its been in open beta like this
Poepchineesbut the game itself is 3 i think?
Enixtywhat the hell this game is old as me
GemWolfZoh yeah the info is on screen. 2006
GemWolfZa looong timr
Enixtybtw how long has this project been going? i only found about it recently
Araimaits just unlikely
Araimathat can happen in official as well...
SamKuklaoh peak this game lets your mons evolve even if they faint
Nixcelpixor ajust the browser to 144 FPS
NixcelpixTo play for x2 speed you need a screen with 144hz, you welcome
GemWolfZlmao youll get used to it
Enixtyi usally play pokemon games at 2x speed so even this feels weird
ZeroStarKaiThe dialogue progression here is outright faster than the highest settings in the pokemon games
MaskedToastthe dialogue is realy fast when i first started i kept learning moves by accident
ZeroStarKaithe dialogue is actually faster than actual game fast
ZeroStarKaithat's crazy
Enixtyi mean dalogue and stuff
Enixtyi did
ZeroStarKaioh, looks like I can finally get the rest of the oricorios now
samwichconlimonyou can turn on autorun
Enixtyı'm so used to playing with fast foward on roms that this feels really slow
ZeroStarKaiIn the battles section
samwichconlimonthere is a teambuilder?