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ZeroStarKaiMy idea goes crazy but some of the main moves aren't implemented
ZeroStarKaiwent to go test out the team builder
ZeroStarKaiI'm back
GemWolfZthis is what happens when you go afk. azria sits at your table (crazy)
samwichconlimonor whelter. haven't gotten it yet, no clue where
SamKukladon't know either
Enixtybtw i'M new arund here so what is that star on azria's name?
MaskedToastdont you have to evolve your mon for refhuge?
LynxALot11Me: .......
LynxALot11Everyone: Leoht is super strong               Leoht: Spams Flash and Double Team
GemWolfZhello azria
Enixtyminor spelling mistake to ship lol
samwichconlimonwhere do you get refhuge in summer island?
DaltonisAt least imo lol
Hollowarcship name is CRAZY
DaltonisSounded like you connected Azria's nickname with Araima's
DaltonisHun wake up new ship name just dropped
MaskedToastsup Azaria
Enixtyty Azria
Enixtyok it worked
SamKuklayou have a trail too
★Azria ★close the game before you reset
★Azria ★go to the shop on the website
Enixtyhow can i do it?
★Azria ★if you havent got that far you can reset the region if you want
Enixtycould be cause i already have a starter
Enixtythere is just a black screen after i selected a starter
Enixtyportal is just siting  there
★Azria ★cuz im cool
SamKuklaazria how's your name funky like that
Enixtyand i can fight wild pokemon
Enixtyi am in the section of getting a starter in sinnoh but i already have apiplup
★Azria ★how is it broken
SamKuklayou should report it to the disc i think
Enixtyi'M not joking
SamKuklawelcome to the club
Enixtyi think i broke the game
AraimaI tend to ramble :sob:
Araimaok now I'm just being pedantic sorry
Araimawhile this kanto is gen 1 roster, we still have updaated battle logic and movesets
AraimaTauros was king of gen 1 not JUST due to the types in kanto, but a mix of how battle logic worked and move set of the roster
AraimaYeah, but so was fire red and leaf green xD
SamKuklaisn't it only kanto's roster tho
Araimaand moves
Araimait's still using gen 9 battle logic
Araimait's not like retro kanto is gen 1 rules
AraimaI mean, kinda sorta not really? xD
SamKuklathe days when normal was good
Araimagood nature, 27 atk IVs
AraimaRaticate has been pretty good on this run thru retro kanto
TheNewKingBretwell going to get some food for myself you guy made me hungry
FunnyRascalthank you :D
TheNewKingBretthat too works
TheNewKingBretgo to setting
FunnyRascalhow do i get out of full screen 😭
Araima:moyai: :thumbsup:
TheNewKingBretIf do get it Araima let us know
AraimaI'll come back with the master ball
Araimabut I'm just opening up Seafoam atm.  I want a seel
Icymossshiny articuno was my first ever shiny
DaltonisThe status on static mons is still uncertain but since Bret got a Mew I believe
Araimaso it SHOULD be fine...should
Araimawell you got Mew and it's encountered in the same way...
TheNewKingBretit may or may not be locked
NixcelpixShiny Articuno is good
Araimahm, I may shiny hunt articuno
Nixcelpixi just eat*
NixcelpixI just an decent breakfast now, and it's 2 PM hahaha
Araimaonce my belly settles I got some ramen to munch on
TheNewKingBretOk well I hope everyone at somepoint eats a good lunch/dinner
AraimaI rarely ate breakfast so I'd drink water to tode over til lunch
Araimabut it's how I survived school as a kid xD
NixcelpixWait a moment
NixcelpixOk, i will try
Araimait may differ from person to person
samwichconlimonreload rascal
DaltonisThat's what my parents used to say at least
DaltonisNix drinking water calms hunger a bit I heard