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saladconventionnoooo i'm out of pokeballs. oh no
SamKuklai like that basically immune to literally every early mon in here because they only get normal offensive moves
saladconventionI found one too!!! Kitty
SamKuklaas u say that i got a kitterwaul
JPSylvyFinally got a female Pupsea <3
saladconventionKITTY KITTY
saladconventioni was like "spooky? fakemon? i'm in!"
SamKuklaOH WAIT ur in borovia next to me lol
SamKuklaur ponk
Zaxaronealright brb
SamKuklathat's in borovia!
saladconventionohh. eyesi. that's a new guy
ZeroStarKaiI would take a walk but I don't feel like being struck by lightning
Zaxaronein a bit
Tamashi_808Take a break, phyisical health is the most important prioity.
Zaxaronewould need ot eat first. id be sleeping 8 hours on an empty stomach and im diabetic lol
Zaxaronei do want this shiny mew tho
SirnefShould probably take a rest
ZeroStarKaieasiest type to grind with is steel (corviknight), but you'll want to grab a dark type when you're able to (I recommend dark dustar as it gains cosmic power and resists both ghost and dark moves)
Zaxaroneman im hungry and tired
Zaxaronebut if you swotch your team alot in borovia it can hinder exp progress
ZeroStarKaiKeep yourself from grinding far longer than you need to
SamKuklaisn't that the point of exp share
SamKuklai asked bc of the having to distribute exp...which confused me .
SirnefIn fact, it's auto turned on iirc
Zaxaronein the options
SirnefIt's built into the engine
SirnefAll regions have one
Zaxaroneits built into every reiogon
SirnefThere is
ZeroStarKaino there is
SamKuklathere's no exp share, is there.
Icymosshint for speedrunning, minimize is a good move
SamKuklaoh no there's
Zaxaronetheres some grindy spots
SirnefBorovia gets grindy near the end, a lot of people complain about a jump of levels
DaltonisProbably switching up your team
SamKuklawhat do you mean...exp management .
ZeroStarKaiif you're not good at exp management it's gonna take you a while
SamKuklait's time to speedrun
SirnefDepends on how fast you can beat the region lmao
ZeroStarKaiafter you beat the count
SamKuklais global pc access fast in there..........
Icymossyea halloween but its always open
SamKuklaill check it out then
Sirnefused to be, is perma now
SamKuklaborovia is an event region?
ZenonoxI see, thank you!
SirnefHave you checked the dumbwaiter next to the knights?
Zaxaronenext to the gaurds
Zaxaronetheres a shaft you go  down from there
Zenonoxyes i unlocked the count
SirnefWhere are you in the story rn zeno?
Zaxaronehave you been to the counts bed chamber
Zenonoxwhere's the lab?
Zaxaronebring all the  pages to the scientest
Zaxaronethe lab quest
ZenonoxWhere do i go to get Brokenstein's evolve item? im very stuck
TyinykIt is.
saladconventionIs... Is Paow's dex entry a Mulan reference?
SirnefYou can count what's 6-8 pm yourself lmao
ZeroStarKai24hr clock, remember?
ZeroStarKaidusk is 18-20
TyinykThis is an evil evolution condition.
TyinykMakes sense.
TyinykSpeaking of, what's the dusk window?
Sirnefcloser than dusk at least
Zaxaroneneed dialga and celebi to help you
TyinykOh God, that's still so far away.
ChelI don't wanna evolve him lowkey
ChelPsionewts so cute...
TyinykWhat game-time counts as Dawn for evolution purposes?
SirnefOnce they get fixed you can always use em again though
NyraKytebut they became avail all time.
NyraKytethats its an event region
SirnefAye for now
Zaxaronecandies are bugged yes
JPSylvyWhat does it mean when a Region in the Travel Region Select thingy is highlighted blue?
RezzyTheGamerhalf a mewtwo
SamKuklaarent candies bugged
SirnefIf you do stick with HUB, probably trainers or the battle tower and buying condies from there
SamKuklai don't have global pc anywhere but summer island
Zaxaronehow much wouuld yall pay for a rainbow  mew
SamKuklaoh dear
SirnefThe best spot is taking it out of HUB lmao
SamKuklawhat's a good spot in hub to level up stuff
SamKuklaand um