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Killergunfuryegg inside
Killergunfurycave here
Killergunfurygo to wilderoot
Killergunfuryaight do you have dimwraith egg?
RezzyTheGamerthe item?
Salthunter001can you evolve the caterpie with RCandy like some games
Killergunfuryyou got the cleaver?
Killergunfuryoh thats easy
PrimalCaterpie lord of the seas
RezzyTheGamerI want dimwraith
Killergunfurydo you want a level 100 caterpie that knows surf?
Salthunter001fairy die
Salthunter001garga will heavy slam
ZeroStarKaigarganacl can get moonblasted
RezzyTheGameris it wrong to pronounce garganacl as Garganaci?
Salthunter001he likes that gen 6 fairy type instead of almighty garganacl :(
Primalmakes sense
Salthunter001He's gary
Primalwhere sugarhunter001
Salthunter001then get treasure + g pc
Salthunter001Yu can catch all ze Pokemon for surf to summer sea
RezzyTheGameranyone got harsholne dimwriath for trade?
JPSylvyIs there naything to do on Summer Island?
TheLarvihitmonchan or hitmonlee
Salthunter001so a starfish
Lokyubsoh omw
✏mattgcni'll even let the trader keep one of em
✏mattgcni just need to evolve some star guys
Salthunter001i want meowth
Lokyubsill twade my uhm
Salthunter001I'll gladly twade
✏mattgcnanyone 🥺 twade?
SamKuklaanyhow hopping off pokengine 4 now
SamKuklano idea
SamKuklai have
saladconventionsam why did i find your brokenstein all the way out here
Primalwho is that criminal
SamKuklathe specimen
SamKuklagood idea
saladconventionprobably also a wise move to abuse the auto-expshare and use brokenstein to gain levels on my new friends
saladconventionhold on sam i'll show you what i mean
saladconventiongahahaha i love kitterwaul. it reminds me of that horribly warped picture of a black cat
✏mattgcnanyone in borovia available to help me evolve some stars
SamKuklasteel seems to be useful here from what someone said so corviknight may be a good investment
saladconventionkitty FOUND.
saladconventioni probably made a very good choice catching that rookidee
JPSylvyThe first trainer I fight outside of HUD and he does nothing but heal and boost its Def, he doesn't have a siungle attack. God this is miserable
Zaxaronepast the lab iirc
Zaxaronethe back woods, gotta progress a fair bit
saladconventionglad we have (likely) potoo rep in Eyesi as well
ZeroStarKaithe woods
Zaxaroneim gonna make eggs and ham with hashbrowns today.
SamKuklabtw where do you even find dustar
saladconventionwhere ARE you, kitty!!! kitty psps
SamKuklaoh brokenstein gets rattled!
Icymossfun fact you can do that with safariballs as well lol
Lokyubsalso once you enter the mansion he stops giving you more
tepig28The taxi man gives you balls when you run out until you unlock the ball shop
saladconventioni want a kitty
CodeErrYou could also give your pokeballs to your team members, pick up 3 more, and then pick the ones you gave to your team back up
Icymossevery time
Icymossyea 3 when you run out
ZeroStarKaithe taxi man gives you more balls?
Lokyubsor talk to the taxi man again
ZeroStarKaiyou can get more in the mansion
saladconventionsorry, kitty