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Salthunter001hi crustle
ILoveCrustlehello people
Alcreamie_enthusiasi think seasnal event
SirnefApparently originally event regions, but not anymore
FrankiePoooI forgot what blue meant :c
Salthunter001do blue regions mean event
ImpossibleNightI have caught a bird: I am now unstoppable
AlroMegas are in the code, like you can see them on the website,  but not accessible.
ImpossibleNightOkie, thank you c:
FrankiePoooI can show u where it is once ur done Impossible :D
SirnefNot implemented
ImpossibleNightI probably need to finish the tutorial first huh
Salthunter001are mega not implemented yet or just a few
FrankiePooohere it is alcream :2
CheeseGuyI know Mega Evolution isn't a huge priority at the moment but a lot has happened in the past month so
SirnefJust go west from the airport
wheresandshrewOh! Is promise Mega Evolution come to be? Happy!
ImpossibleNightOoo it looks cool
Salthunter001where is it available??
CheeseGuyit becomes a pretty cool firework dragon with an even cooler Mega Evolution (hopefully implemented soon-ish)
wheresandshrewIn HUB! Pokengine birthday happy!
CheeseGuyooh yeah Paow
FrankiePoooand theres a FREE EVENT MON rn! :D
ImpossibleNightOooo, Qwilfish is cool
FrankiePoooMobipup + Qwilfish + ??? + ???
FrankiePoooidk what the other 2 Pokemon on HUB island are tho
wheresandshrewYes! Quilfishing good!
FrankiePoooon the HUB there are places u can catch wild Pokemon :D
CheeseGuygood time for anyone with a Bluboon to try evolving it
TheNewKingBretHappy Evening!
FrankiePooooh btw Impossiblew
wheresandshrewHappy Evening!
wheresandshrewOh! It evening!
ImpossibleNightBaneful Bunker and Topsy Turvy are both kinda complicated, so it's surprising!
CheeseGuySoak is unironically one of my favorite moves for its sheer utility for catching, you see
CheeseGuyI was pleasantly surprised to see Soak functional, though I suppose it is pretty simple in effect
ImpossibleNightI have read the wiki and found out that both of my favorite moves seem to be implemented c:
FrankiePooooh hi Jext :O
CheeseGuystill a decent no-frills move to use on some Fighting types
CheeseGuyah wait Solid Kick has 5 more base power
CheeseGuySolid Kick is basically a Fighting-type Strength in that respect
wheresandshrewAre am good!
CheeseGuythere are some that are pretty simple, like Solid Kick, which is a medium power move with high accuracy and no fancy effects
wheresandshrewAlso website good Pokémon details and the known.
CheeseGuyah yeah you'll have to reference the site for new moves and what they do
ImpossibleNightOh okay, thank you!
ngoomieyou have to look on the website
wheresandshrewHave check website.
FrankiePoooThe wiki is very expansive
ImpossibleNightHow do I check what a move does? I figured out how to like, access the Pokemon's stats and stuff in the menu, and I can see what moves it has, but I can't seem to click on the moves to see what they do
CheeseGuyof course I would know that though, I have a competitive-ish Togekiss lol
Alcreamie_enthusiasomg it look cool
CheeseGuyfor example, Roost still heals, but doesn't have the function to remove Flying
wheresandshrewThank CheeseGuy.
FrankiePoooBuffin is a Harlshome Pokemon
wheresandshrewMean not all move part no work.
CheeseGuywell sometimes moves with (N) do work but aren't complete
wheresandshrewImpossibleNight be careful! Sometime move no work. Look (N)!
FrankiePoooyeah alcreamie I did it for Buffin
ImpossibleNightI just started playing today, very impressed ^^
wheresandshrewEasy learn! Happy!
wheresandshrewI'm agree!
wheresandshrewImpossibleNight yes!
StinkyGoldyis it better to masterball mewtwo or missingno?
ImpossibleNightWow--for a browser game, this game's menus feel super good. That's kinda crazy actually.
FrankiePoooI made competetive movesets for a few Pokemon :D
Alcreamie_enthusiasi get them mixed up xD
Alcreamie_enthusiasthat happened to me but with a kyurem in swsh with a beast ball
StinkyGoldyomg i caught moltres in a pokeball, all my ultra balls failed lmao
Lokyubsit'd be a nightmare to if cloudia had a double battle in the middle
AlroTwins do double battles though
Salthunter001because they twin
AlroWhy are tate and liza a single battle
Salthunter001bat factory
FrankiePooooops ;-;
FrankiePooonot tower
FrankiePoooI submitted a trainer to the Battlw Tower :D