Current users
Marichu, Jext ★, april, Bradydragonshade, Tacogames, Iglu, ngoomie, KobusKobus, Zaxarone, Nebraska94, Araima, OrangeDuckster, Sirnef, ShadowFromNorth, LPpikachu, Izaya, TheNewKingBret, Belsarion, Cyberfloyd, Multi, kyledove ★, Shokie, Suggarion, JamHedgehog, tetrislicious, RedUmbreon5, Kxral, HauntedCafe, MisterLight55, legixtm, Hanxiao_Vernox, SeriouslySilly, Mowgli59, Terraclaw, Sincubus, Jariii, SomeoneHere20, Jonhyy, claush, Koalabeaver, Itsbolteyblue, Jack2103, Eimiel, Diamondseek, Suprosse
FrankiePoooisn't Tandor in the works
FrankiePooospeaking of Uranium
Zaxaroneborivia ha some uranium mons
FrankiePooothat has Garbadjinn
FrankiePooooh yeah fall festival
SirnefFound in fall festival collection, yup, definitely not a summer isle mon lmao
FrankiePoooImpossible btw theres a safari zone and a sewer to catch more mons :D
ImpossibleNightWhich I remember from a rom hack I played, very cool mon
ImpossibleNightIt has Gorgowatt
FrankiePooomight be wrong region mb
Zaxaronebe cool for xmas events
CheeseGuyya grinched
SirnefI don't think that's a summer isle mon
Zaxaronei want there to be a grinch mon
FrankiePoooapparently theres like a Garbage Genie?
FrankiePoooive seen some of the Summer Island mons
AlroAn hour if you get lucky ;)
wheresandshrewI'm like Summer Island!
SirnefWell Summer Island takes more than an hour specifically only because of the time locked encounters lmao
AlroSummer island, looking at you
SirnefHarsholmes complete, you can get a hall of fame for it
AlroAlso some of the "complete" regions are small enough that they can be knocked out in like an hour.
Salthunter001how much is sinnoh complete?
Aman200726Not harlshome
FrankiePooooh right oops
SirnefHoenn Sinnoh, and Rica are not finished
Aman200726Only 6 are completed
FrankiePoooBorovia, Centennial, Cloudia, Easter, HUB, Harlshome, Hoenn, Kanto, Rica Sinnoh, and SUmmer
MultiGood morning
wheresandshrewRegion not all Global PC.
SirnefNot all of the regions on the airport are complete
FrankiePoooI count 11
SirnefI think it's more like 6 or 7
Aman200726No there are only 6
ImpossibleNightThat's what I saw that made me wanna play this game, honestly. I just love seeing cool stuff that people make.
SirnefThat's a big estimate lmao
FrankiePoooI think there are currently like 15 or so finished regions to visit?
FrankiePoooThis game also gives people the chance to make/submit their own region iirc
ImpossibleNightI should have maybe bought more pokeballs first
ImpossibleNightBut first I have to beat it up
ImpossibleNightI'm gonna put it in a ball and tell it its my friend now
SirnefTeach that pufferfish a lesson it won't forget >:D
Lytokudoing pretty well myself, just been chilling tonight but finally decided to get on
wheresandshrewMe am on winning streak Battle Tower! Happy!
ImpossibleNightI am currently locked in a (very intense) battle with a pufferfish
FrankiePooobut yeah Night u can now access the airport iirc
LytokuHow is everyone doing
SirnefIf you really want to get it, you can always reset the region lmao
LytokuHello everyone
ILoveCrustleoh man what a dumbass i am. now shiny mew will only be in my dreams
Salthunter001diwali time
Salthunter001les go I got paow
ImpossibleNightVer' strong
FrankiePooo150 SpA LOL
FrankiePoooapparently Paow evolves into a mon with
wheresandshrewAre Mulan fireworks movie Pokemon!
Alcreamie_enthusiasi got gobblin from borovia :3
ImpossibleNightA pretty hexagon rainbow ball thingy
FrankiePoooGobblin used to be an event mon iirc
Salthunter001okay boomboom
ImpossibleNightWoah its in like
Alcreamie_enthusiaswait is their more event mons to obtin their
FrankiePoooget firework boomboom noodle thing
FrankiePoootalk to lady
FrankiePooowest of the airport
Salthunter001paow is west right
FrankiePoooalso enjoy ur free Paow :D
FrankiePooocongrats :D
ImpossibleNightWoah, I found firework pokemon
ImpossibleNightTutorial tutorialized!~
ImpossibleNightIt makes sense, it's like a brightly colored dragon thingy
FrankiePooobut yeah impossible Paow iirc is very, VERY rare
ImpossibleNightFishing Rod acquired
FrankiePoooI have Mobi and Qwil
FrankiePooowhzat are the other 2 mons on HUB?
Zaxaronealso hey
Zaxaronedang hope i dont stay up all night again