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xsweatersxletsgoooo stinky
StinkyGoldyjust got super lucky with the 5 percent electabuzz, found it in 3 encounters
Zaxaronesweaters no
RezzyTheGameri think i got a tyrogue, nidoqueen and nidoking rn on me
Zaxaronegot any red exclusives
xsweatersxhawk tua
Zaxaronewhats in it for me
Zigzallemme check
RezzyTheGamersomeone got a cubone for trade?
Zaxaroneno shinys only trash
Zaxaronei like it
Zaxaronethats so evil
RezzyTheGamersomeone should make themself a name by killing shinies and posting it in discord lol
xsweatersxnectar of the gods
RezzyTheGamerexp from it was delicious
PrimalRezzy last words
Zaxaronetime to raid silph co
ILoveCrustleyou did WHAT
RezzyTheGamerThis cubone luck is divine punishment for killing that goledn shiny lol
xsweatersxdoes the hub hiker want a WHITE flabebe specifically?
ILoveCrustleand after my pokemon reach level 25 it's way too tedious
ILoveCrustlelv 22 pokemon in jagged pass are the best i could possibly do
RezzyTheGameryou know you can grind a high level opponent
Zigzalmy guy
ILoveCrustlei am going to need at least 400 rare candies
Zigzaljust looked it up and what happened
Zigzali have been immortalized
PrimalI think I have heard of the protomen
RezzyTheGamerhow will you name the squad?
PrimalHey crustle you should name one of them "zig...zal"
Zaxaroneor the megas
Zaxaroneever heard of the protomen
PrimalYup zax
Zigzalhow would you tell the characters apart
Zaxaroneprimal you like mega man?
PrimalZigzagoon squad? Id pay to see their adventures
RezzyTheGamerI could use a controller but prefer zxc
RezzyTheGamerI use them
Zaxaronethat is  when no  one is memeing  about certain eevelutions
Zigzali feel like i'm missing an essential piece of context
ILoveCrustlealright, now tht i have assembled a zigzagoon squad, i need to know how many rare candies i need to grind up
Zaxaronei love how helpful this  community is tbh
xsweatersxhaha meh.
YonderdzI got it after refreshing a few times, thank you.
RezzyTheGamernow grind him for evolutions
Zaxaronei noped out of that fight so fast
xsweatersxneat. defeated boss jext
RezzyTheGamerthe lad probably asking you to check widgets
ZaxaroneYou can remap your controls  in the options menu
RezzyTheGamerare you in tutorial?
Zigzaldoes anyone use Z, X, and C?
YonderdzNone of that is working atm, but thank you. X_X
Zaxaronesorry space bar issues,
Zaxaroneyoucanr emap in thes ettings
Zigzalsometimes that helps
Zaxaronearrow keys,  and z x and c
RezzyTheGameralso esc>key settings
Zigzalmake sure you click on the main window before using those
RezzyTheGamerarrow keys
Zaxaronethey have a feel good inc one  too
YonderdzI am new to this game, how do you get your character to move when the awsd keys are not working?
Zaxaroneit is 2:46 am here right now tho
PrimalIt was funky btw. Ty for sharing nice songs
Zaxaronehes  usually on during the day my time
Zaxaronedunno his fullusername
Zaxaronesam  i think
Zaxaronelol your  loss brother
RezzyTheGamerwho's the leader of the trashcult?
PrimalCant hurt me
PrimalI wont even try to join cuz its fake
PrimalTrashcult is not real
Zigzalsounds like a pokemon grind
Zaxaronejoin #trashcult and become  one of us
Zaxaroneyou gainnothing  and only lose your eternal soul
RezzyTheGamerso what's up with the trash hunt. do you get something out of it lads?
Zaxaronethis  is  different  tho
PrimalDont tell me you also listen to some siivagunner rips
Zaxaroneoddly fitting and funny mashup
Zaxaronegorillaz but  dkc
Zigzalhello everybody
PrimalIdk how to send the link. On mobile