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xsweatersxhoenn is unfinished. not sure it has surf yet
Lokyubsthat's the neat part
Zigzalmakes sense
acutelolihow can i get surf in hoenn?
Zigzalany suggestions?
Zigzalmight try shiny hunting after that
Zigzalgoing to beat the elite four in kanto relatively soon
Zaxaroneim excited tor emake  it
Zaxaronegen2  is my child
Zaxaronelater rez
Zigzalthanks for the hint
xsweatersxhave a good one rezzy
Zigzalcya rezzy
RezzyTheGamergoodbye lads
xsweatersxall good. idk how to type
Zigzalidk how to read ig
xsweatersxand pichu and maril
xsweatersxhoothoot and also natu
Zigzalit was hoothoot
Lokyubsgonna have my pokemon never forget the move bite and level it up to 87
xsweatersxomg cactabit is very cute
EliminationistThat would be awesome!
Zaxaronegonna  make a retro gold and silver reigon, so look forward  to that
xsweatersxi didnt play aaaanything of gen 2 but sinc epallet field contains johto mons i figured it was that gen for the natu too
Zigzalplayed a tiny bit of gen 2
xsweatersxthe psy bird
RezzyTheGamerget em all
Zigzaldo i choose one or all they all up for grabs
xsweatersxhoothoot, pichu, maril and uhhh
Zigzalwhat are the pokemon at the north end of the pallet field cave?
RezzyTheGamerah bidoof forgot I need last 2 eevolutions for kanto dex
xsweatersxanother 100 spots upward on the shiny board
xsweatersxwow the very next step i took was the end of my safari hahaha
Zigzali have marowak
Zigzali play red
RezzyTheGamerthey must be blue exclusive
Zaxaronefound anothercubone lol
demonycgood luck
xsweatersxITS PINK <3
xsweatersxomg shiny in safari zine
xsweatersxi spent at least an hour in there before googling it
Zigzalthankfully didn't waste too much time
xsweatersxgotcha haha
Zigzalrezzy told me
xsweatersxzigzal.. try uh.. talking to him again
RezzyTheGameroh my poor guy
Zigzalthe guy in the pallet field cave says the order is 0-1-5, but there's no zero so ig he means 10?
RezzyTheGamerI am too powerfull for blockades
StinkyGoldyonly thing i don't have yet is scyther, can get the rest for you
Zigzalyou added two (2) letters and that uncensored it???
xsweatersxyes sir
RezzyTheGamerthat means If i wanna al my hms in hub i gottas transfer them all
xsweatersxthey (should) be sent to your bag if an mon is holding them and you transfer the mon to global
StinkyGoldyi will give you my electabuzz as well
Zaxaroneunless you can trnasfer items on pokemon via global pc
StinkyGoldyi will catch them first
Zigzaldo you keep your items between regions?
Zaxaronesure! lemme get some xtrasthen
StinkyGoldyi am willing to catch all the red version mons for you, if you could do the same for me?
Zaxaroneim playing blue
StinkyGoldyanybody got the blue version exclusives?
Zaxaronei ran into  like 3 there when i went
Zaxaronenow i gotta go find another
RezzyTheGamerjust gotta evolve and my kanto dex complete
Zaxaronewant anythigne lse
RezzyTheGamerim in saffron center
xsweatersxi do in blue version yeah he has his sprite kinda
Zigzalyou guys call him gary?
Zigzalhad to fight him 3 times
xsweatersxyeah gary in silphco is kinda annoying
xsweatersxsick. white flabebe got
RezzyTheGamerim being blocked by gary
Zaxaroneim here
RezzyTheGamerits negative attack so it will most likely become a hitmonchan
Zaxaronemeet at saffron pokecenter
Zaxaroneill take the tyrogue