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Jariii, Jext ★, Nhyxel, MrSleepy, Alb, Lag_Altrash, TheFuriousHawk, Sincubus, Zenonox, nagesaki, Agressive, Sleepyhead, ShaLi, Whitescorpion, Iglu, Doinky, tetrislicious, Izaya, Rocket22, Criptsilver10, RS3PT, pkluver944, Araima, LickinNips, berberokaa, Kendal_979, foxTrickster222, SeriouslySilly, Hennnnni, Ginzuishou, xxicexx, Aceheart, Hliatoras, Jack2103, OngoingBoat, Rinku, Bumpa, inonw, demonyc, Kanji_Haritama, CocoMummy25, JPSylvy, Marichu, imuplus, ve4is, LPpikachu, Boxman254, Vivek103, Fenix887, RezzyTheGamer, Jonhyy, T0BEY, Lukeisalwaysangry, Tyinyk, jofindo, incompetentfool, Zaxarone, Munch, Poppzilon, Pistolpaul, Killergunfury, Prox, Sleepylewo, ikaliu, Plantera, PenguinEmissary, samwichconlimon, Xiterok, X0dia
XiterokEvent? Time to do Borovia to return to HUB
samwichconlimoncheck discord
samwichconlimonit should be active for a while
✏RoughKnightGo left from the airport and you should find the event NPC and some fireworks
demonycdo i have to leave gullutton now?
demonycis it time limited?
peacewingyou just head to HUB and you get the event poke?
Killergunfuryim trying to lose
Killergunfuryi beat Janine
GemWolfZfirecracker dragon you can get for FREE!!!
✏RoughKnightthe event pokemon being given out on HUB island
samwichconlimonreload, head to hub
demonycwhats a paow?
samwichconlimonyou got my hopes up :(
Nixcelpixsorry my bad
samwichconlimonwait, trash move? where?
Nixcelpixwait i name like that?
NixcelpixTrash move crash the game
✏skur ★YIPPIE got a paow
Bossmanhow do u fly again?
samwichconlimonhad to reload to get paow
Killergunfuryi beat Erika
&KingTapirsomething is wrong with the camera on the fireworks lmao
NyraKytewith 3 possible ways to go, if you found stairs, then thats incorrect
23:10 did i get the wrong path in trial 10?
NyraKyteyuo cant. they dont work
Pixiehow do interact with the stairs?
umbralultimatumoh lmao i didn't see the npc
&KingTapirtop left of hub
umbralultimatumhow do i get the Paow
Killergunfuryi beat surge
ViralMagnumTyphlonah, i only made a rat team and a walrust lvl 99
NyraKyteneither of the stairs work. look for a ladder maybe
Munchcan u get anything worth wile from the gatcha machine?
Machinaoh nice good to know
demonycyou can beat lund repeatedly ig
Pixiewhat ma i supposed to do?
Pixiein trial 10 theres a stair going down but its not working
ViralMagnumTyphlonow we have mint shop as well?
Machinadamn i hope u can grind some money then
samwichconlimonking, may I borrow some shiny luck to get this shiny leilyne?
ViralMagnumTyphloi managed to get enough rats to get most of the tms in the shop
Munchokay dokey
&KingTapiryes @ munch
demonyc50k each
Machinathx, do u simply need money or another form of currency?
MunchIs getting Drenchest the final goal of summer island?
TheNewKingBreti will never get use that
demonycits after you do the nothr ligthouse
demonycthere is a girl outside you a grass mon
samwichconlimonyou can. probably later then you are rn
demonycin harsholme heat
demonycyou can
Machinadoes anybody know if u can buy mints in harsholme?
Killergunfuryi beat misty
samwichconlimonback to my hunt as well
PixieTRIAL 10
TheNewKingBretback to hunting
demonycmy team is kinda weak rn but sure
TheNewKingBretyou want to face*
TheNewKingBretyou face in him battle with demonyc?
demonycis he peeing on us?
TheNewKingBretnow he back to being big again
DiamondseekI took 2 damage from a wild Chingling, it's over
TheNewKingBrethe become a shiny chacker
demonyche exploded
Killergunfurywait i talked to the wrong npc.....
TheNewKingBreteverytime I leave the battle he get  bigger lmao
demonyche is expanding
Killergunfuryi lost my whole team tho
Killergunfuryi beat brock in the battle bastion
TheNewKingBrethe was bigger last time lol
samwichconlimonright, taking a break to visit hub
TheNewKingBrethello again
demonyci though i found a shiny for a sec
demonycholy jusmp scare
GemWolfZtogekiss ^_^
GemWolfZtoootally underrated how can i get a shiny stone at the hub
GemWolfZi cant wait to set up a monotype team for a funny outfit!!!!!!!!!!