tampord34 reached the Hall of Fame 3w ago.
Caught: 26
Seen: 125
Kogakun reached the Hall of Fame 3w ago.
Caught: 22
Seen: 116
Hunterwolf23 reached the Hall of Fame 3w ago.
Caught: 57
Seen: 131
ArielAppears reached the Hall of Fame 3w ago.
Caught: 48
Seen: 114
DarthGaspar reached the Hall of Fame 3w ago.
Caught: 68
Seen: 127
Osucrack reached the Hall of Fame 3w ago.
Caught: 48
Seen: 129
seeq reached the Hall of Fame 3w ago.
Caught: 120
Seen: 150
Bubby7474 reached the Hall of Fame 3w ago.
Caught: 39
Seen: 123
stahl_wittchen reached the Hall of Fame 4w ago.
Caught: 55
Seen: 127
Iglu reached the Hall of Fame 4w ago.
Caught: 63
Seen: 123