Crusadiator reached the Hall of Fame in Borovia 4d ago.
Caught: 30
Seen: 72
ZIF reached the Hall of Fame in Harsholme 4d ago.
Caught: 43
Seen: 74
Kyuriht reached the Hall of Fame in Borovia 4d ago.
Caught: 36
Seen: 75
Leafu reached the Hall of Fame in Borovia 4d ago.
Caught: 38
Seen: 75
Grimscyter9 reached the Hall of Fame in Borovia 4d ago.
Caught: 47
Seen: 71
archen11 reached the Hall of Fame in Centennial Valley 4d ago.
Caught: 145
Seen: 209
Veldan_ reached the Hall of Fame in Borovia 4d ago.
Caught: 22
Seen: 75
groovyshoes reached the Hall of Fame in Retro Kanto 4d ago.
Caught: 25
Seen: 113
Darkothereus reached the Hall of Fame in Retro Kanto 4d ago.
Caught: 69
Seen: 131
DanoMarrano reached the Hall of Fame in Borovia 4d ago.
Caught: 31
Seen: 71