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atlasruneI know the xbox one would download digital compatibility copies when you put 360 games in it.
WakoDoodlecan't say for xbox but the ps3 did play ps2 games and the ps2 could play ps1 games
leviathinthe ice things blocking my way
capoznichyes you can
Primal... why not
leviathini cant
Primalthen go
leviathinnot yet
atlasruneWeirdly, I'm pretty sure both the xbox and playstation backwards compatibility was digital.
Primaldid you go underground?
Silkeregnim guessing you got it and put it in your pc
capoznichgo pick it up its in the borough iirc
leviathinwhen were you supposed to get it
leviathinidk i just never obtained it
WakoDoodlenes, famicon and gameboy don't count as they were the firsts.
Primaldid you give it away?
leviathinchat am i screwed
Primalwhy not?
leviathinbruh i dont haave the golden one
WakoDoodlethe only console that couldn't play older games without digital was... the switch :l
capoznichthe special one not a normal one
Primalyou need togekiss
MonsieurElmadoes anyone here know hardware enough to tell me if a console can be retrocompatible with all it's ancestors ? Like a ps5 being able to read discs from ps1 up to 4
WakoDoodleoh yeah the gamecube can play gba games, the snes can play gb games and the n64 can play gbc games
leviathinthey wiki is being vauge what pokemon do you need to break the ice at the end of the ice burge in eatser island
leviathinbruh guys help
WakoDoodlegba can play gb and gbc games, ds can play gba and ds games, 3ds can play ds and 3ds games :p
Primalit truly is
MonsieurElmasluflash Pokengine is a drug
WakoDoodlemeanwhile on the handheld consoles. gbc can play gb games
MonsieurElmabackward compatibility is mostly quality of life for me
Renma2024gotta recouple their losses somehow
SluFlashZim new but this game looks cool already
Renma2024wii backwards compatibility was probably to entice people to still buy gamecube games
PrimalState your name and purpose of your visit
WakoDoodlefind what? oh the item
SilkeregnWako did you find it
MonsieurElmaso that this way doom can actually release on the console and not have a rayquazatty could version
WakoDoodledoes backwards compatibility count as a gimmick?
capoznichwhat do you mean back on the market the switch was a commercial success lol
TGAnole55What is the use of the hub crowbar?
MonsieurElmayou can be gimmickt with your games and still offer a powerful console for third parties
Renma2024kind of debatable, since they prioritize the style of their games over the realism and graphical power
MonsieurElmabecause with how bad Sony is doint lately, Nintendo can really get back on the market if they have a powerful beast
WakoDoodletbh ppl do with sony games too
capoznichid just use my computer lol
capoznichi would have no reason to buy a nintendo console without the gimmicks
WakoDoodledef do better than sony and microsoft for sure XD
MonsieurElmaand gamers as well
WakoDoodleIf they stopped the gimmicks and just went back to making good games with good performance I've love it
capoznichsolidified by the success of the Wii
MonsieurElmathey went all gimmicky after that point
MonsieurElmawell nintendo stopped doing performences after the gamecube flopped
capoznichi mean it works for them i cant blame them
MonsieurElmaat least pokemon is honest about being ugly
MonsieurElmayes, but when people compare Scarlet and violet to BOTW i cant help but remind them about the shader
WakoDoodlenintendo has a habit of doing underperforming consoles
WakoDoodleremember sonic boom on the WiiU? The console killed an entire sonic spinoff
capoznichthis shouldnt be surprising most games look much worse without shaders
Renma2024it's a miracle they can run at all
Renma2024tbf, they were working within the console's limitations
MonsieurElmayou dont want to see botw and totk without the shader
WakoDoodleoh I believe you
MonsieurElmabelieve me
MonsieurElmadaily dose of reminder that BOTW and TOTK are just shaders put on a very ugly game
Primalanyone knows the source for hub's background ost?
Renma2024crystal cave area was seizure inducing with the way the crystal textures glitched constantly
WakoDoodlemaybe backwards compatibility returning would help
WakoDoodlepersonally I think nintendo should stop doing gimmicks for their console and just make it run their games well
MonsieurElmaPokemon Scarlet and violet casserola lake is a ptsd for me
WakoDoodleit held them back
WakoDoodlethe pokemon game was rush ofc but elma is right; the console was bad
Renma2024it would be nice to run a game at an fps of higher than 15
MonsieurElmabecause we can mudkip all we want on pokemon being ugly, but i mean, the switch hardware isnt really helping them much
WakoDoodlemany didn't XD
Renma2024im not picky about graphics, but the nintendo switch has performance issues bc of its hardware
WakoDoodleyou saw scarlet and violet?
WakoDoodletbh that should be common sense to be added
MonsieurElmayou know so that the next pokemon game can actually look like a game from 2024
WakoDoodleand transparent purple , white and green :p
MonsieurElmathe best idea is this : The switch, but with actualy hardware that can actually compte with the competition
WakoDoodlebut in different colours
WakoDoodleits the switch...
WakoDoodletbh my best idea is so simple
mapleaudinowii phone alreadye exists on the app store
WakoDoodleso its a portable console, is it a good idea? nope
Renma2024guys we need the wii remote phone
WakoDoodletbh I had an idea of adding a screen to a joycon