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ColosoalI seem to be having multiple porygon on my device
E_wikingglad to hear, I'm doing well although one of my eyes has been hurting for the past few days
WakoDoodlegood good. U?
E_wikinghow are you Wako? :D
WakoDoodleheehoo wiki
ColosoalYippee super rod
WakoDoodleman I really want to go on my ps2 now XD
WakoDoodletbh I just want them to actually realise fun and passion is more important that whatever reddit and twitter is on about
ColosoalAnyway back to looking for super rod
WakoDoodlesony has no idea what they're doing but often get super lucky
ColosoalThen right after the success of Astro bot sony announced the ps5 pro being 700$ then their hate started rising
WakoDoodletbh it just proves no amount of marketting can guarentee success as much as skill and devs who enjoy their work
ColosoalAlso it was realsed around teh death of concord
WakoDoodleand it should, its a good game and homage to the system
ColosoalIt’s been getting a lot of praise
WakoDoodlesurprisingly no. It's the only ps5 game I know of :D
ColosoalAstro bot
ColosoalHave you forgot about
ColosoalThat only be happening for me :)
WakoDoodleespecially PS fans. I barely see any exclusives for them to be hyped about; they need some love
WakoDoodleI might not have a current console but I hope everyone gets the games they hope for
WakoDoodlewell... what if it was on pc?
ColosoalThat will never happen tho :)
ColosoalLet’s just hope a game that has been getting millions of praise about a tiny blue robot will be getting dlc
WakoDoodleand I'm saving it for the event :D
WakoDoodlejacksepticeye released a video
Pekkaton86IT DID?
WakoDoodlehalloween is full force now
WakoDoodleoh shoot Zoochosis also just released >.<
ColosoalI’m just excited for devilcous
WakoDoodlebtw jext you got your halloween costume ready for the event?
MajiNVegetaOr the newest event
ColosoalYou guys have to be kidding me! That’s hub!
WakoDoodleI mean what other region has 7 colours? :]
WakoDoodlenah man it's clearly retro kanto
Primalthats TT
WakoDoodlejext, trial 16 lookin good
ColosoalBut the courtyard has plenty of orange grass
LordRedshockerThanks Colosoal-!
ColosoalMore of purple
Pekkaton86and rain
Pekkaton86no, Borovia has gray green grass
ColosoalMust be borovia :D
ColosoalThen start bringing mons into your team and depositing them in global pc
ColosoalThen go to global pc
ColosoalSo basically
LordRedshockerSo I beat Retro Kanto but how do I get those pokeon into my global pc on the HUB?
ColosoalThen do that, then refresh
Felix13i'm gonig now
ColosoalDid you go to the airport in a Rena
Felix13i just beat the third
WakoDoodle2nd gym has lvl 30's and is water themed btw
ColosoalThen go to airport in acrena
ColosoalBeat second gym
Felix13 how do i unlock global pc in rica?
WakoDoodlebtw colo did you see anything out there?
ColosoalAnyway it feels nice to be out of limbo now :)
WakoDoodletbh a monochrome rarity would fit it but ppl didn't like rainbow so I doubt it could be a thing
ColosoalThat would also effect the battle system
StafkiGTNfor the front and back pokemon
StafkiGTNI mean, its more like changing the sprites
ColosoalBecause it would take to long to remake the entire battke system for 1 region
WakoDoodleit took a while to update
WakoDoodleweird, I did have something similar
StafkiGTNis it supposed to look like that
StafkiGTN32-bit sprites in the 8-bit retro Kanto?
ColosoalBut main site doesn’t say it counts
WakoDoodlewhats your issue soldier?
ColosoalI caught tauros and kangaskan and their in my dex
Pekkaton86what is it>
ColosoalAnyway is anyone else having this issue I’m having
Pekkaton86poison powde
WakoDoodle:thumbsup: You learn something new every day
ColosoalExcluding tms ;-;
StafkiGTNit probably keeps the poison inside of itself
Primaldef unique frogs