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Kyurihti don't really need anything anyway, i'll give you the water type
jd_123_45I think legends z a is around 1920s
PG55will Legends ZA be in the past or the future?
jd_123_45but I don't have anything good
jd_123_45oh please do
Kyurihtor i could trade it lol
jd_123_45lemme screen hsot
jd_123_45aok thnanks guys
Kyurihtneed a larvomit to get the fish road
PG55and Mightiro will appear
PG55and youll get the rusty sword
Kyurihtto the left
PG55then you go to the place under the graveyard
jd_123_45where do I get salmonic
Kyurihtyou need a water type
PG55first you need salmonic
jd_123_45and what type is it
jd_123_45where do I get mightiro
PG55be turned in a dark Souls character will be good for him
Kyurihti will
PG55i cant use a living Mightiro
PG55you know, i need dead souls in my army
PG55i will evolve him
jd_123_45and you say ti is weak
jd_123_45but you said it is good
Kyurihti'm not evolving my might
Killergunfurybut very weak
Killergunfuryif u evoive
PG55but cute
PG55yeah not for too long
PG55"Mightiro is glowing with health"
PG55Ghouls are very hard to train
PG55with all those deaths, im having a lot of work
Killergunfuryi work at 12
jd_123_45wish me luck
jd_123_45ok Imma start my journey
jd_123_45btw um are you guys gonna play tommorow
ZeroStarKaisounds like light work
PG55in a row
jd_123_45ok thanks guys
KillergunfuryJD you need to beat the count 10 times to leave
PG55i can revive you after the first one
jd_123_45WHAT ARE y'all ON ABOUT
jd_123_452 LIFETIMES
PG55and JD its 2 lifetimes
PG55you know, the Underworld is very busy these days
ZeroStarKaiI might hop back into Borovia for a bit
Kyurihtafter the count
jd_123_45ok cya guys lemme start my lifetimee journey
PG55ill play when i can
Kyurihti caught hiro at the end of borovia
PG55but you need salmonic
jd_123_45I am gonna start borovia
PG55yeah Mightiro
Killergunfurybut a pain to get and evolve
jd_123_45Btw when y'all playing tommorow
KillergunfuryJD mightiro is also good
jd_123_45ok y'all have a great time, nice meeting you
Kyurihti have my borovia team in my global pc damn
jd_123_45and salmoc
PG55it loves suffering souls and worms
jd_123_45so orbeetle
jd_123_45I will catch it later
Killergunfuryskowl is late
PG55the bird of doom
PG55Skowl is a good one
Killergunfuryfor early pokemons
PG55the starter evo
jd_123_45for here
jd_123_45recommend good pokemon
jd_123_45where did you get that
PG55Franky is just my Inferno dog :]