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Herii123That is one soul that thinks it can catch a mon
darkeryetdarkernow time to swing it again
SleepymodeWasn't there a mon that turned humans into pokemons?
ColosoalCoalo coal coal
mapleaudinoyay virchia.
SleepymodeThere's no law agaisnt the pokemon batma- AUUUGHH
Herii123I could grind you into a sword Colosoal a coal sword
darkeryetdarkeri will kill you and play golf with your corpse if you do that
Edgystudiosdont catch colosoal
SleepymodeColosal is now a pokemon? Now i can catch him
ColosoalCoalosoal :(
Edgystudiosthats so fire.. .. .
mapleaudinoaw dangit
Edgystudioserm. . .. .
Herii123Sorry I couldn't finish my sentence
darkeryetdarkerig time to turn myself in to :mon_00uzeig0:
Herii123*points finger at colosoap
MajiNVegetaDeal with them
Edgystudiosturn yourself into a colosoal.
ColosoalYou have now been doxxed and have multiple pop up viruses
MajiNVegetaNo i dont think so ill go train my pokemon
Herii123Did I say the gun name right
mapleaudinoYAY VIRCHIA
mapleaudinoyucky you
Edgystudiosoh            y     pc!      !  !   ! !
Herii123For that my big brother Vegeta will galek gun you
Edgystudiosand i pressed respawn instead of go to menu
Edgystudiosoh yeah i died
Edgystudiosherii when someone is pretty strong
ColosoalHow did you escape the content farms edgy
Herii123No you turned me into Goku
MajiNVegetaGood Lil sis herii
Edgystudiosi am edgy studios
ColosoalProplem sooved
Herii123Yes big brother Vegeta I'll stay here with the forces and await your saiyan princes command 🫡
ColosoalWe must recon October and rename it to ogerber for are precious ogerpon
MajiNVegetaNo just by doing business
Wolkenritteryeah under event info in the airport
mapleaudinoogerber 1st
ColosoalWait what
ColosoalIt begins at October and ends at I belive November 15-
WolkenritterOh! Gotcha, I saw it on the terminal and was curious haha
Edgystudiossleepymode             no
ColosoalWait till o ot Oger 1st
SleepymodeYou guys heard? Vegeta wants to take our pp's away!
ColosoalI know wolk
Edgystudiosi have            respawned            i died
WolkenritterHow do I get to the atlas fall festival?
ColosoalEdgy turned me into a remote so he must die now
MajiNVegetaIll go train some pokemon to put them to auctions than Take Your ppp's
Herii123Hah jokes on you guy's I don't have content but watch others content
Edgystudiosaw                    ang    i                        pc
ColosoalYour going to teh content farms or YouTube >:(
Herii123What have you done
ColosoalSince you turned me into a remote
ColosoalAnd uh edgy
Edgystudiosdeathduel, highnoonmaker
Edgystudioswasnt me
Herii123And the fact I call you big brothers and sisters and that I look up to you guys
ColosoalI have gained a robotic voice and I can also do this
darkeryetdarkeredgy wtf have you done
Edgystudiosturn yourself into a remote controller
ColosoalAnd cause multiple ecosystems to collapse causing rica to collapse except for the mountain and oceans enviroments
SleepymodeHe's an edger
Herii123And even though I don't make sense you guys enjoy my company
darkeryetdarkerwhat is your species then