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ColosoalIf legends Z-A takes place in teh future (which I doubt it will)
Ihazkirbrobut i know thats not happening anytime soon
ColosoalAlso YOKAI WATCH IS BACK BABYYYYY (not really but still)
Ihazkirbroi still want a neo kalos region
Edgystudiosben      3
Colosoal“Certain bronze bricked”
ColosoalThis is a uh
ColosoalYeah but
SleepymodeI have been to Hoenn league
mapleaudinonever went past it because i wanted to shiny hunt
ColosoalPlus we still would need the weather trio and creation trio as they have shown been never catchable
mapleaudinoive only been to hoopa
mapleaudinoi never been to the league
ColosoalSo how would victory road and the league work not like we got anything to work off of
Ihazkirbroi suck at drawing anatomy
Ihazkirbroi can make map textures but not animated sprtes
ColosoalAlso plus the game got deleted and all the copy’s are differnt at handling the league
mapleaudinomake it different
ColosoalBut the question is to keep the dex the same or add all Gen 1- Gen 7 mons
mapleaudinoi would make one if i didnt suck at spriting
mapleaudinoyeah so you could just take reference with the map
EdgystudiosTHE WORLD: high voltage
ColosoalTheir currently a lot of them rn and they keep coming back so
darkeryetdarkerrn for fighting i been looking at using protain cells as base
mapleaudinotheres copies
Ihazkirbroi liked my robot warzone idea but i think if i made a region it'd be KatFL themed to an extent
ColosoalBut brick bronze is currently uh
mapleaudinoit would be so cool if someone made a brick bronze region
darkeryetdarkerwith the first twist being the starter using fairy fighting steel as base typing
SleepymodeThat would be?
darkeryetdarkerbut i want a unique twist
ColosoalYour welcome
ColosoalIsn’t someone on YouTube already making a science based region (specifically fakemon but you get the idea)
darkeryetdarkermain issue i have rn is the starters
SleepymodeWhat do you need Darks?
darkeryetdarkeralso  i been looking for something to use for my science based region and i found absolute nothing atm lmao
Ihazkirbrocan you get bottle caps by fishing still?
ColosoalEspecially since the safari zone is knocking on my door step soon
ColosoalTrying to uphold a organization and trying to do retro kanto really can make a guy insane Yknow?
darkeryetdarkerhm ig you got the pyromaniac item from issac
Edgystudiosi have been healed by explosions!
darkeryetdarkerman i didn't know colo was that insane
SleepymodeMost normal method of torture in RD2
ColosoalBecause you will feel better soon
ColosoalAll better now edgy?
Ihazkirbroalso i love spm bc its one ofmy first mario games, but its still no ttyd
SleepymodeBut i want Champ that's also Ma
ColosoalLet me fix that for yu edgy :)
Edgystudiosim shot!
Ihazkirbrotrue but still
ColosoalI’m a bit busy with 🎰🎰🎰
ColosoalTechnically paper Mario 3 is super paper Mario
SleepymodeSo you can help me evolve my Machoke
SleepymodeCan we met at Areca City? Colo
Edgystudiosi dont even know what just happened, its lik
ColosoalI just did rica for Barbouch so
ColosoalOnly up to second gym ;-;
SleepymodeHow far are you in RIca?
Ihazkirbrobooster in smrpg was basically wario
mapleaudinonow they're tied
mapleaudinodouble wicked virchia back to back
mapleaudinosmrpg music kicks in
ColosoalTogether you get:
Colosoal🖤 = G, 🎵 =E, ! = N, and ? = O
mapleaudinois it possible to change nature
ColosoalIts name is 🖤🎵!?
Ihazkirbroto my dm
Ihazkirbroleams responded