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Primalcome on silk
Silkeregncomma estas habla biblioteca
Primalque pasa
Zorenthis there pvp?
ColosoalIt’s north of the water in the courtyard
MonsieurElmatop left of the map yhou arrive in
MonsieurElmatold you
Shengian_SpidopsIdk where the toxic lake is 3:
Cjblaze11Still thinking about the time I gave hat one person the shiny KRABBY I caught in a master ball
MonsieurElmayou also have some sewer pipes
MonsieurElmabasically the toxic lake top left of the map you first arrive in
Silkeregndo /unstuck
Shengian_SpidopsWhere do i find glumexin??
ShaiyeanneMybcharacter was stock in a patch of grass in rika
Cjblaze11Still thinking about how I gave
ShaiyeanneHey how can ibrestart?
Silkeregnyou never had a wife
Silkeregnyou are 12
MonsieurElmamine didnt find me in the first place
whatamidoing12my wife left me
ColosoalCan I interest you in porygon burnout
ColosoalI already cut mine off in favor for oddish legs
MonsieurElmamy shiny aromatick name is "got some leg ? "
XiterokYou can find It fully evolved
XiterokI suggest you Cloudia
ColosoalFor hub it’s in draguntale cavern
Icymosszubat is after brock
ColosoalAny cave you will find it
ColosoalHub, retro kanto, and retro hoenn
Shengian_SpidopsWhere is crobat??
ColosoalAside from tt, ff, and fondness forest that’s about it I belive
whatamidoing12wait a rayquazaen second
ColosoalI don’t belive so
MonsieurElmai just forgot the one i gave it
MonsieurElmai mean i know how to nickname it
whatamidoing12arent there time limited achiveos
Silkeregnright click it
MonsieurElmaso go for it my dude
MonsieurElmai mean it is not impossible
MonsieurElmai forgot how i name my Aromatick
XiterokMine was at 1700+
MonsieurElmaso good luck to you
MonsieurElmait is not colosoal
ColosoalIs this impossible in y’all’s opinion
Silkeregnmy gullutton is at around 80
ColosoalHere’s my current goal yall: get every tm, every obtaible fully evolved mon, every achievement, and every costume
whatamidoing12and so i built a bomb
MonsieurElmaalso i got gulluton after less than 50 resets
MonsieurElmamay the luck be with us !
Silkeregnare you by the church
MonsieurElmai just realised i also have one of the first shiny bulbite, and the second golden gulluton
ColosoalI have a feeling you will forget it
Shengian_SpidopsShould i write that down?
ColosoalWith venasuar being the ace
ColosoalVenasuar, glumixen, oogashroom, cohrant, crobat, and conchorn
MonsieurElmabecause i also want golden druidune cause i pretty much hate myself
MonsieurElmai am at the Harsholme heath
Shengian_SpidopsI forget 3:
Silkeregnwhich route Elma
Shengian_SpidopsColo whats the team im supposed to get again-
ColosoalI have a flareon ready to commit war crimes with the squad
Silkeregnwya Elma
Shengian_Spidopsawesome sauce!!
MonsieurElmamy golden gulluton is called Pissgeon
MonsieurElmayeah golden missingno
Shengian_Spidopsim sorry, PISSingno??
MonsieurElmaafter golden bunnie i will go for Pissingno
Shengian_Spidopsshould i have a level 100 cyton for the sake of it??
MonsieurElmalemme wait for you
Silkeregnaye lets
Shengian_SpidopsCyton is best water type imo.