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Jext ★, skur ★, TimmynoToes, tetrislicious, Godslayer10X, BaskOfSoftKitty, IceThunder, sonadrien130002, Lady_Vengeance, LadyYuriko, Walruz, Tebu420, ManueXel, Mabbs, Trash_Monkey, Vanny2024, Starstatterer_, Silkeregn, insurgingarc, darkeryetdarker, Nixcelpix, AutisticVenusaur, FatKash, Sword-of-Swords, WakoDoodle, Harrynopenope, dakkafex, ebbe, Clandestine, Ermessia, Zaethir, Fvbe, kyledove ★, Aulzen, Jorjada, AIDr321, Moot23, Mephi, pkmntrainerwillum
darkeryetdarkerdidn't you get a shiny while trying to find that mf
mapleaudinothats fast
XiterokSpent one week on BULBASAUR
mapleaudinoluckily i cant kill shinies in easter island :3
XiterokI feel sorry for you, but I know how you feel
JadzkiYeah it is, it's the last mon i need to catch i've been hunt it all day, then i got bored and completed Retro Kanto
XiterokProbably saw it just a couple of times...
XiterokWas Misdreavus in cv?
Primalpro tip: dont kill the mons you want to catch
darkeryetdarkerjadzki watch as it takes you 5 hours to find it
Fargothmine was in Borovia was grinding I noticed it the moment I hit the z button to attack x..x
JadzkiNO!!! I killed the Misdreavus T_T Back to searchin my 100th Mon
WakoDoodleand before anyone questions it... we can get a female machamp :p
Edgystudiosmixxed signals in easter island
SilkeregnI personally like shiny geodude
WakoDoodlein b4 male gardevour and female gallade
ColosoalIs it a conspiracy?
XiterokTry Hordes in Harsholme
★Azria ★i swear if i get a shiny geodude or sentret here...i am killing them
mapleaudinoralts teleports ?
ColosoalIt’s fletchling and rufflet
JadzkiNah imagine, it's pokemon that Teleports like Abra and Ralts
ColosoalMy only 2 shinies I have found (and caught) are both from the safari zone ;-;
XiterokHad to use a masterball
XiterokI was about to lose a Meltan because it didn't let me switch the Ferrothorn
mapleaudinotransgender people
JadzkiDarn it, why it have to be a boy, oh well, still checkin it
darkeryetdarkeri will bet 70% are from safari
Paperboy012305There could also be a chance they found shinies in the safari zone and they ran away.
Primalunown... letter F
JadzkiI didn't get a shiny but at least i got my 100th Pokemon, Come to mE Misdreavus
Silkeregnwhat was it
PrimalI know I have contributed to 1 dead shiny
darkeryetdarkerstill 1062 shinies is a lot
darkeryetdarkerim a idiot lmao
WakoDoodle:lips: :eye: :lips:
darkeryetdarkerwell around 2000 shinies were killed
WakoDoodle:eye: :eye:
Silkeregnwhat was it
Primalor escaped
Icymosskilled mons...
XiterokOnly thing... I don't think I ever had a Masterball in kanto
darkeryetdarkertbh i never really looked at it but why in the status of shinies caught is 7,061 at the end
Icymoss5800 eggs
XiterokThanks, to all the others too
JadzkiGood Luck
XiterokFor me too
XiterokNow the Shiniest hunt begins
Renma2024cool thanks
atlasruneRenma, talk to the npc with the shiny fearow.
ColosoalEh I think rattata or the early bugs would make more sense
Renma2024how do you use the Cloudia Sky map? It says it cant be used in the overworld
WakoDoodleno wait. tangella
WakoDoodletbh the weird pokemon encounter bug in kanto could be fixed if jext just adds a sudowoodoo
darkeryetdarkercutting to trevant running throught cities to get to xite
ColosoalThe trevant have been agerned xietrok
JadzkiI think you meant who would hide under a Casino
WakoDoodleits a base disguised as a casino, disgused as a house, disguised as a charity, disguised as a base disguised as a casino!
darkeryetdarkerxite they realized its wrong to cut trees
XiterokI was cutting the trees, character got a ! on the head and now it's stuck
darkeryetdarkerthe ppl behind the cashino
ColosoalLike who would hide their base in a public cashino?
WakoDoodlesadly jext has 1 move that hurts drenchest T-T
ColosoalNot like that would happen
ColosoalIf only their was a base filled with trainers to battle and some valuable items :(
JadzkiRoute 23 he gives more
darkeryetdarkerand ig they somehow revived
ColosoalDang blue only gives 100
darkeryetdarkerheh i love golfing with corpses
WakoDoodleonce you can, talk to the taxi guy who brought you there
WakoDoodleto leave borovia you need to get inside the mansion first
darkeryetdarkernow time to get my axe and
darkeryetdarkertime to drown another corpse in the lake
SwaggyBallerhow do you leave the halloween event region
FargothI disagree it will always be the all might Bidoof!
darkeryetdarkeray thanks for the corpse
WakoDoodlejext gives 21k gold :p
ColosoalI just flat out give up at this point
darkeryetdarkerwow good job you kill one ball
JadzkiLord HELIX Will always be our 1 and ONLY God
WakoDoodleno Spheal!