There is currently an MMO event going on: Grimvale Graveyard!
Current users
Jext ★, antigone, ABisLost, Koshawn, L_Tanuki, Greywhoose, Kyemon, DravynLeCrux, YoungSheldon, whatamidoing12, Warf12, Fengerr, yukizo, Paperboy012305, meggieport, GoobyMcWbr, DrakenSilver, Chronchan42, maikoherrera, Scavenger, Harlequin4sloth, PatchOfHope, Hilltop_Zephyr, AlterZwei, Rolmane, Kellyn, SanguineSol, rebar, LiquidOoze, Roborii99, gummi, tetrislicious, Toadstool, Valeskazf_TV, envychimera, Osyne, Bern, Culex64
Mowgli23u dont
YoungSheldon@coolsloth how do i zoom in on the map lil bro
Volcanroneverything gotta be added eventually
leviathinughh out of all moves why did disable have to be added im dyinggg
Volcanronbut do talk to Lyra with it in your party
Basiiilcan i evolve pichu spiky-eared??
Volcanronthe candies are much easier than youd expect tbh
Nikey21btw, does getting the shiny actually consume the 300 candies, r
Volcanronbut if youre asking for opinions then i like the Willspri one the most
Nikey21too much work
Volcanronall of them if possible
Nikey21which costumes should I get?
AlterZweii think ill start getting into competitive here so ill grind battle tower once i find a good stopping place in kanto
Paperboy012305So the "Best" way in getting them would be from pickup.
Paperboy012305Yup, Bottle Caps do in fact cost 15 BP.
YoungSheldonbut like
AlterZweijust find one
YoungSheldonbut im not :sob:
Volcanronget good
YoungSheldonhow do i get a shiny
Volcanronalthough me being blind wouldnt be a surprise
Volcanronswear i saw it for 1
Paperboy012305I thought it was 15 BP.
Volcanroneh, a cap for 1 BP is really good
Paperboy012305I really think Bottle Caps should be fished up again.
AlterZweiso literally only ivs matter since i know theres mints too
Volcanronbut that point is not now
Volcanronim sure they will add it by some point
AlterZweiim assuming no
AlterZweido they have a bottle cap npc in this?
Volcanronso IVs are still more important
Paperboy012305Yes I know.
Volcanronand you can get a patch anyway
Paperboy012305But for a PVP player like myself, even if I do get one, its IVs are proably gonna be bad anyway.
Paperboy012305I for one think it's a 5% chance.
Volcanroni cant imagine HA is common, but that is peculiar odds
Paperboy012305Why does it feel like Dandyseed never has its HA? I've been using sand attack against it for about 8 hours and not one has had its HA.
Nikey21but I don't care enough to grind
Nikey21so is regenerator
Nikey21sinister surge is good, but...
Nikey21I'm just gonna go for...
Nikey21with decent ivs too
Volcanronso im content
Volcanroni got all of FF and all of TT except the other shrooms
Nikey21yeah, I've caught all the mons already
Volcanronyeah fs
AlterZweiif you dont care about dex completion dw about it tho if you just want the mons
Nikey21fair enough
Volcanronbut still worth noting
Volcanronoh yeah it's not much at all
Volcanronsince it was set to private
Volcanronlike Zwei said, if you got final form of starter then the middle didnt fill in
Nikey21if there's no reward for dex completion ig it's not too important to me
Volcanronit still wont work
Nikey21a year
AlterZweia bit sad i evolved my cat early, now i dont have that entry
Nikey21yeah, but if I get the mons evolved within like
Volcanronregion will be set to private so nothing will update
Volcanronthey wont
Nikey21i  mean, I don't see the point since mons cross-register
AlterZweiif you want to grind and evolve the mons during event ye
Volcanronslots wont fil after the event
Volcanronif you want to get dex completion its definitely worth it
Nikey21level increase isn't really important though, is it?
Volcanron300 for shiny, 120 for every outfit, 30 for level increase, 50 for HAs, 50 for shroom
Nikey21right, the outfits
Nikey21300 for shiny, 50 for HA, 50 for mushmol
Nikey21where's the other 150 coming from Volcan
Volcanrondo slash password in the discord
Basiiilhow can i change the password?? :'(((
rebarooh neat
Volcanronadds mons with HA into encounter pools
Nikey21mons can spawn with HA rebar
rebarwhat does the hidden potential summon do?
Volcanronyou wont be able to reset the gift anyway
Basiiilya me la olvidé
Volcanrondont think so
Basiiilcomo puedo cambiar la contraseña???
AlterZweidoes the one in TT have the chance to be HA that would be easier to reset for
Volcanronyou need 550 candy total if you want to get every single prize
AlterZweiyou have time to get enough candy for both
Volcanroncurious if you could get HA on the Mushmol
Nikey21but then mushmol is nice
Nikey21I'm going to buy hidden ability spawns first
Nikey21okay, that's what I thought, cool
AlterZweisummons a 3 max IV mushroom pokemon i forget name
✏mattgcnmushmol :)
Volcanronsummons a mushroom
Nikey21what does summon mushroom do in fall festival?
Ebe54si se guardo