There is currently an MMO event going on: Grimvale Graveyard!
Current users
L_Tanuki, Jext ★, Rainbeon, kyledove ★, LinnyLinLin, Toadstool, AlterZwei, skur ★, rocketleaf67, oneothercr, MrX69420, Pickles1990, SloppySlime, Skyemoure, jphipps8, Cheemsyfimsh, Greywhoose, MxDemeanor, SanguineSol, Paperboy012305, Fengerr, fushigino, meggieport, DrakenSilver, wulfOG, toastyjammy, Av33ry, Deltarus, Warf12, SlyisJayRaccoon, Dexforitas, Emilycubed, Date_Butter, Tordrago, maikoherrera, Hidibeis, Hilltop_Zephyr, Jellyrose, antigone, Paxnar, AlphaBet17, SPrad, bernn65, Onyx009, Xiterok, Coonae, ABisLost, Kiwizovics, Xthony16, Zam-Touden, Goddlii, rebar, QwedsaZaqwe, ThisPumpkin, Vensi, TrainerWii, Droncar, Xianir, SponsoredPost, GoobyMcWbr, Icymoss, Capsule, Qahnaarin, frandi93, Tacuzzu, PaladinSan, 0verL0rd, Ploutof
DomTSVGI had almost a hundred necklaces last run
Oparikonim gonna beat all of you, i love to 100% the game
Basiiilcrows¿¿!! in pokemon?
DrexTructiononly 3rd place
DrexTructioneven if I have more crowns
DrexTructionif necklaces are worth more than coins, I highly doubt I beat my previous score
FleetwayI am in the other side where i got the bat mon
DomTSVGI'm rocking 46 effin' coins but at least I have a bit more to go
DrexTructionI got too many coins
DomTSVGI've had a bad run methinks
DomTSVGso how lucky did you get with crowns?
Droncardid you reach the last room Fleet?
FleetwayWell more like the other one that it's a puzzle
✏mattgcnfleet do you mean the event region..?
✏mattgcnooh thats a tough one
DroncarShiny whelter!!!
FleetwayI am a little curious but...the region that i am is actually this short?
DrexTructioncome on baby, give me those crowwwwwns
DrexTruction42 treasures left
fushiginoor at least im out the tower section
fushiginoi think i just entered the dungeon
DrexTructionbut you can stay much longer in the garden
DrexTructionwell, 2 hours for lavender dungeon
fushiginohaha. well im probly on 4+ at least. played for quite a while a week ago but havnt since
✏mattgcnsprad once you hatch your egg you can fish
DrexTruction2 at most
fushiginofor anyone whos beat it. how long would you say kohaku is in hours?
SPradwhat do you do in cloudia
SPradMandJTV would love cloudia
★Azria ★the next room has invisible path
Oparikonare you in a room with holes?
★Azria ★you'll have to run+jump here
FleetwayGreat i am stuck now on the puzzle that i can't go like anywhere is there like something invisible?
DrexTructionthat's why I'm doing this
DomTSVGI was salty over losing my number 1 spot
fushiginoah. so the only way to boost your score is to find ones you hanvt found
DrexTructionbut I felt it'd be like cheating
DomTSVGMy man
DomTSVGso you can't use an alt or a friend to boost it
DrexTructionI did have that idea at some point
DomTSVGalso, we did a small test and while its possible to trade your treasures to others it has absolutely 0 effects on score
DomTSVGand resetting resets your score
DrexTructionreset the world
DomTSVGand then i pull 2 coins
fushiginofor score are you supposed to reset the area to get even more or world that just reset the count too?
DomTSVGbut I'm holding out hope
DomTSVGI'm still fewer crowns then coins on this one
DrexTructionthis might be a good run
DrexTructionI like my current score
SPradthe dot
Oparikonwhat kind of period key??
★Azria ★oh that emote
SPradyes you can
SlyisJayRaccoonchrist that was hell
SPradwindow key+period key
SlyisJayRaccoonI beat the maze
Oparikonhow can i emote
SPradhi guys, hows your weekend???
FleetwayThanks now i think i can continue
Oparikonand speak to the sign
KiraSteeleDo I step on the circles or something?
Oparikonthe color puzzle is a art math
★Azria ★it's art math kira
KiraSteeleI'm stuck on the color puzzle
FleetwayYou know the rock smash
DomTSVGyo drex what's your highest crown count?
★Azria ★maybe a mon can remember it somehow
FleetwayI got it oh and where should i get that?
★Azria ★you'll also need rock smash
Oparikondid you get the crypt key as well?
FleetwayI got fangrief
FleetwayI am in the entrance of the strange catacumb
★Azria ★dod u get fangrief
Oparikonor what are you doing
Oparikonif so, tell me where you are
FleetwayYes please