There is currently an MMO event going on: Grimvale Graveyard!
Current users
Jext ★, SanguineSol, antigone, ABisLost, Yin17, Koshawn, L_Tanuki, Hoshiki, rebar, Ruru, Rainbeon, DrakenSilver, PatchOfHope, DomTSVG, Megaspacewaffles, antoniosafe, Laphi, GoobyMcWbr, Greywhoose, Kyemon, Scavenger, DravynLeCrux, DigiDragoon, YoungSheldon, whatamidoing12, JackDeAngelis, Warf12, Fengerr, yukizo, Paperboy012305, Pisani, PaladinSan, maikoherrera, Date_Butter, Valeskazf_TV, AlterZwei, rocketleaf67, SunnyWanderer, TGAnole55, hazmutt, Harlequin4sloth, Mudkip1theBattle, TrainerWii, Xalim, meggieport, PrinceLatios, MIX_Of_EEVEE, VrtaS, GooseSupreme, Rolmane, Skyemoure, Icymoss, QuackQuackAttack, Roborii99, Nikey21, Primal, qriy, Bern
LightDiablothere is a bug
Toadstoolwait where did you get female clown paperboy?
Deltarusread sign
LightDiablonow I have to start all over again
Deltarusroom change
LightDiablowait nooo
Deltarusread sign
Deltarusroom change
Deltarusread sign
Deltarusroom change
Deltarusread sign
Deltarusroom change
Deltarusread sign
Deltarusroom change
Deltarusread sign
Zombiegmngallie god outfit
Paperboy012305I still like Female Clown too, but I'll swap between them every now and then.
rebari liked the statue moving and color matching puzzle
DeltarusI figures out the puzzle
DravynLeCruxI've had to actually grab my graph paper and start making a map!
Entropyninespretty mixed on it so far
Entropyninesthere's good parts and there's bad parts
Sulidi'll take anything over kohaku's jump puzzles ahaa
Paperboy012305I think it's safe to say that Allie is my new favorite outfit.
WetLavaThis is like the Teleporter Maze from Yume Nikki
DravynLeCruxOh god, these rooms with invisible resets are killing me.
rebari really hope i'm close to the end of this thing
rebarit is definitely hell
rebaryeah this sucks
DravynLeCruxThese teleporters make no sense.
DravynLeCruxSo what's the pattern int eh room with the bones?
Entropyninesi see you've entered hell
Entropynineshi rebar :]
Entropyninesoh wait i got surf
Entropyninesbut that's just a backtrack and i don't understand what i did here
Paperboy012305I don't truly understand, you mean events like this one will return next October?
Entropynineslike i can jump down a ledge and that's it
Toadstoolwell i mean the other events returned after their initial run, is what i meant [paperboy]
Entropynineswhat am i supposed to do with this room with two coffins after the running segment?
Paperboy012305Wait, there's more?
Toadstoolit'd make sense to shiney lock it for this first run of the event
Paperboy012305Too bad I think it's shiny locked.
Paperboy012305Ooh, I love Fangrief's shiny.
Paperboy012305Not the one with the vines.
Paperboy012305The true memorization is that tricky bottomless pit room.
DeltarusOlive with mustard?
Toadstoolthe hardest part of that puzzle for me was re-reading the sign between each answer
Paperboy012305Little bit of both.
Entropyninescolor mixing
Entropyninesit's not memorization it's
Paperboy012305It's about memorization here.
DravynLeCruxInstead of random color, try to match what the sign says to the color produced.
DravynLeCruxOh, I see now.
Paperboy012305When that shows up, you did it.
Paperboy012305Then when you get it right, interact with the sign and swap rooms until you see the sign that says "Do not disturb the dead"
Icymosshit green the read sign
Paperboy012305That should be the green circle.
DravynLeCruxWhat do you do at this sign that says Canary with Denim?
Sulidohh thank you
Paperboy012305Rock Smash is relearnable, Strength is in a chest.
Sulidwhere do u find strength and rock smash?
Entropyninesi just accidentally jumped down the ledge as well >_<
Paperboy012305So I completed the Grimvale Graveyard region, is there any more ways I can increase my score?
Entropyninespretty sure you backtracked?
GalactidotEnvy I jumped down from here is that correct?
GalactidotWas I meant to jump?
Entropynines...yeah. that was it.
DrakenSilvermight have to use your key item
Krohnsomething will respond i just found it i think
Entropyninesi'm kind of just mashing Z on every tile hoping something will respond? because i have no leads
DrakenSilveryou can go forward and up a map
TrollhunterWhat to do after beating first acolyte on easter island
DrakenSilverwhere do we join a team at?
Krohni think i'm in the sme boat
Entropyninesthe cracked tiles behind me broke
Entropyninesthat's the problem
Entropynines...yeah, i can't go backward
Toadstoolthere is always a path, even if it isnt foreward
Entropyninesis this part of the puzzle?
Entropyninesam i supposed to escape rope out?
Entropynines...this is kind of a problem lmao