There is currently an MMO event going on: Grimvale Graveyard!
Current users
Jext ★, L_Tanuki, DravynLeCrux, yukizo, DrakenSilver, maikoherrera, tetrislicious, Culex64, ShadowKrimson, AlterZwei, antigone, whatamidoing12, YoungSheldon, Koshawn, CHAINSAWPRTY, Longinos, envychimera, BaskOfSoftKitty, Yzer, LiquidOoze, Deltarus, obmhenry, Bern, wrongism, toastyjammy, Ami16, LightDiablo, Dr.Hino, oneothercr, TrainerKong, SanguineSol, Osyne, MoonshineBlast, Karlanodarisa, Funky
Iglui did get 64 crowns
LiquidOozeOr else I would be no 1
DrexTructionor maybe she just got more crowns
LiquidOozeLarrel clearly has 202 as well tho
DrexTructionit'd be strange, demon got 201 yesterday too
Igluno way
LiquidOozeMaybe you missed a pot at the beginning?
Igluim at 201 too tho
LiquidOozeLarrel is still no 1 over me
DrexTructioncause I'm not letting Iglu beat me
DrexTructionwell, I'll check again now
Igludid you dive an item to your mon lol
LiquidOozeI'm not no 1 after all
LiquidOozeI mean, clearly the max isn't 201
Igluwait how
DrexTructiontime to reset
DrexTructiondamm, iglu beat me
WakoDoodlebut it was all good doing it again
WakoDoodleyeah I had a bug where the statue reset without me leaving the room it was weird XD
DrexTructionso how did you get 202
LiquidOozeYou can pick up gold items at the Chamberlain's grave
DrexTructionthe max is 201, supposedly
DrexTructionif the statue gets stuck just go to the room with the vines and it'll reset
Iglugot 201
darkeryetdarkerwell crap i think the statue broke a lil bit...
LiquidOozeOh so what gold item is random then?
DrexTructionwait how did you get 202 items
DrexTruction52 coins, 88 medialions and 61 crowns
XiterokJust to know: are you coming here or First you finish the graveyard? Because else I can go offline and look for the trade after
LiquidOozeI have 102 necklaces, 56 coins and 56 crowns
DrexTructionlemme check
LiquidOozeBTW Drex, how many of each item do you have in Grimvale
DroncarAlso in the puzzle event lol
DrexTructionit didn't let me tho
DroncarI did it in borovia with only the startert
Droncaryou can
DrexTructionwait I can't trade with 1 pokemon on the party
zaynainwait, let me put hunter in box
DrexTructionin what part of kanto?
XiterokWhat happens?
zaynaino.o ... anyone in kanto... ? D:
XiterokEscape rope-> gate or finish and go to the stairs
DrexTructionor the basement
DrexTructionthe door
Xiterok2 wais
LiquidOozeHow you leave Grimvale?
XiterokDoes anyone in Kohaku want to trade Jigglypuff for my Clefairy?
darkeryetdarkerwell did it
DrexTructiontry a different path
zaynainis anyone in kanto rn? I wanna trade so my hunter can evolve ;D
darkeryetdarkeri did that but then realized i end up in top corner
darkeryetdarkerok yea i was thinking of that
DrexTructioncan't repeat a tile
DrexTructionhit all tiles, end on the door
DrexTructionit's basically the mechanic of the 8th gym
darkeryetdarkeri did but never reached anything past gym 3
LiquidOozeDon't hit your own tail
LiquidOozeSorry not spleef
DrexTructionhave you ever played a hoenn game, darker?
LiquidOozeThis is just Spleef
darkeryetdarkerthe empty room with tiles that light up
DrexTructiondid you get stuck in the room next to the ice room?
DrexTructionwhere are you now?
darkeryetdarkerim starting to realized that im way to stupid to understand some of those puzzles
LiquidOozeIrish myth sword
DrexTructionCaladbolg reminds me of an attack in Elsword, but the terminology has to come from somewhere else, right?
DrexTructionit's a very lonely sign, it wants attention
CaladbolgNo wonder I was stuck lol
DrexTructionyou gotta talk to the sign a lot
BrontoMage20but when I did that, nothing happened
XiterokPass on
XiterokJust passcon it
BrontoMage20how do I interact with the colors??
DrexTructionremember to talk to the sign before interacting with the colours tho
BrontoMage20so… green door??
DrexTructionso what's yellow with blue
BrontoMage20right—yellow and blue right???
darkeryetdarkerthen the rest is simple
LiquidOozeCheck what colors a canary and denim is
BrontoMage20how to do the “canary w/ denim” puzzle?