There is currently an MMO event going on: Grimvale Graveyard!
Current users
Jext ★, antigone, ABisLost, Koshawn, L_Tanuki, Greywhoose, Kyemon, DravynLeCrux, YoungSheldon, whatamidoing12, Warf12, Fengerr, yukizo, Paperboy012305, meggieport, GoobyMcWbr, DrakenSilver, Chronchan42, maikoherrera, Scavenger, Harlequin4sloth, PatchOfHope, Hilltop_Zephyr, AlterZwei, Rolmane, Kellyn, SanguineSol, rebar, LiquidOoze, Roborii99, tetrislicious, Toadstool, Valeskazf_TV, envychimera, Bern, Culex64, PaladinSan, CHAINSAWPRTY, Megaspacewaffles, FlyyingBeagle, Osyne, gummi, PugnaciousTrig
E_wikingYou need to get access to the manor, then you can leave by talking to the pilot who got you there
cyelis1224Can't beat the guard lol
VivariumThe web you sent had the names mixed
Droncarthen go back to the taxi guy
cyelis1224Ouch ok
Droncaryou need to enter the mansion once
BaskOfSoftKittyenter the mansion
VivariumThe names are mixed hahahah
cyelis1224How do I leave barovia?
E_wikinghere are all the mons in Borovia
VivariumI saw the fox pokemkn
VivariumWhat mons can be found in this manor?
VivariumIn borovia?
DrexTructionhow long does the event page take to reload?
VivariumIs there a rookide here?
VivariumI just love Magby and Elekid lins
LiquidOozeMagmar and Buzz are in Kanto, Cario is a trade in HUB, Ludi and Zorua are in HUB
E_wikingEnjoy your stay!
fushiginoso. canary with denim?
Igluit's good
Igluhave fun!
VivariumPicked borovia🤣
Igluno fakemon in CV
&KingTapirClosest bet would be Centennial Valley, but that's an isolated experience, meaning you can't transfer Pokémon out at the end
VivariumPokemons like Electivire, Luca, ludicolo, Zorua, and magmortar
VivariumLike a region with great Pokemons and fakemons for PVE
&KingTapirthere's 3 gyms out of 4 total
&KingTapirbut there's still hours of fun
&KingTapirRica isn't finished however, it's about 3/5 of the way done i'd hazard a guess
LiquidOozeHeavy on ghosts tho
E_wikingI would also say Rica
VivariumI need a region with stacked pokemons and fakemons
LiquidOozeBorovia I think is similar
✏skur ★for that
✏skur ★Rica is best
&KingTapirRica has a mixture!
E_wikingOh yeah Easter Island is cool too but it's based around hatching eggs
DroncarHarsholme? What's that?
VivariumWhat regions have good mainline pokemons and new fakemons
LiquidOozeNo Harsholme?
&KingTapiri've heard harsholme is okay too
&KingTapiri like borovia and easter island the most!
&KingTapirit's designed to frustrate you through puzzles
&KingTapirgrimvale probably isn't the best place to start i'll be honest
VivariumWhat hm slave?
&KingTapirbut we'll look into it :)
✏mattgcnno one should be doing grimvale graveyard as their first area lmao
&KingTapirwe removed the post so people couldn't replicate it
&KingTapirbaskofsoftkitty, thank you for submitting that bug report last night!
BaskOfSoftKittyGrimvale Graveyard gives you an HM slave you can use in the HUB after you finish it
VivariumOh they're just suggestions hahahah
E_wikingI mean the questions don't change the options that you can pick. They just are there to help you find a region, which you are likely to enjoy
VivariumI think I'll pick full on similar
VivariumI restarted now Im picking again
E_wikingI personally enjoyed Rica the most, Harsholme is great too
&KingTapirCloudia is good fun!
PaxnarI think the pitch dark maze is the hardest puzzle
VivariumI like flying but some are too basic
VivariumFk a flying region😭
&KingTapirfakemon, different gameplay styles = different / traditional = a more mainline-esque experience
&KingTapirthey're just to help you make an informed decision
E_wikingJust whatever you prefer
&KingTapirthose won't send you anywhere!
VivariumShould I do traditional or different?
VivariumShould I pick familiar or different?
E_wikingIn that case, if you ever have any questions, feel free to ask!
&KingTapiri find on iphone it sometimes turns off
&KingTapirHUB has music
VivariumJust finished finding the assistants
VivariumIm still in trainer huv
VivariumOh there was no sound set in the setting hahahaha
&KingTapirbut everywhere else has music!
LiquidOozeI personally think Fall Festival has better mons
&KingTapirin which case the answer is no
&KingTapirare you in retro kanto?
VivariumIs there really no audio here?
E_wiking(Fall Festival and Twited Thicket)
LiquidOozeMaybe those ig?
LiquidOozeFF and TT are leaving soon
VivariumJust asking cause I'm about to departure
Droncarcatch them all
LiquidOozeIn what region?
VivariumWhat pokemons and fakemons are worth to find?
✏skur ★its probably bound to what team youre on
Paxnarand the eastern version doesn't do that I think
DrexTructionyeah, I told Jane yesterday
✏skur ★them damn teleports
Paxnarfor some reason failing in the western room where you have to step on all the tiles teleports you to the eastern version of the room\
VivariumI just found this game from a YT video just a min ago🤣