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ViralMagnumTyphlo ★didn't get it anyways
ViralMagnumTyphlo ★i was hunting specific mons in a specific area for stuff
sm01borovia accelerates facial hair growth
sm01i've been in borovia for less than a week lol
&KingTapirthink i used shaving cream once before buying an electric one
ViralMagnumTyphlo ★didn't had luck in the hunt however
sm01i have an electric razor, so i've liberated myself from shaving cream
ViralMagnumTyphlo ★to be honest... YES, i been that long in borovia . 2 weeks to be exact
ViralMagnumTyphlo ★remember shaving cream, or THE PAIN
&KingTapirhave you been in borovia so long you've grown a beard?
sm01i need to shave soon
2000wiresAlright, Thanks
&KingTapirpress Z next to another player
2000wiresHow do you start a battle?
&KingTapirif you just spam people with battle or trade requests they'll get annoyed
&KingTapirand they have to agree to battle
&KingTapiryou have to be next to the person
2000wiresOkay, how does that work?
luk06oh, found it
2000wiresCan you battle players whenever or only at certain places?
&KingTapirthat's a bit of a personal question
luk06cant pass this pasrt
luk06which bush was trimmed in switch puzzle?
LynxALot11I haven't gotten that far in Rica yet but I know people have it
LynxALot11I would assume so
Fauxmaleis it possible to find darabble now?
LynxALot11That makes more sense
LynxALot11Oh is it 150 cool
LynxALot11Then they will give a sellable item
ViralMagnumTyphlo ★i wasted my time making my tentacool to run a marathon and still the water kanto version
&KingTapir150 steps
LynxALot11Which is about every 500 steps
ViralMagnumTyphlo ★that was more specific
ColosoalAnyway maybe if we do the J E X T, S U M M O N I N G, C A L L he might appear
vintahey i got disconnected, which region unlocks global pc after 2 gyms?
LynxALot11No, you gain friendship when they give you an item
Hykrosso easter island for pokemon happiness?
ViralMagnumTyphlo ★so if i ran 3243 km in tiles dosen't count???
ViralMagnumTyphlo ★so they're get happir if i talk to them?
sm01is there a way to make the displayed number of items bigger? i can hardly read it
ColosoalBunny raceway is very long and you can interact with your mons each 2 corners to raise friendship quickly
ViralMagnumTyphlo ★and i don't use the pokewalking mechanic
LynxALot11If you havent caught it use a friend ball it sets friendship to 200
ViralMagnumTyphlo ★takes between 39 to 40 levels
ViralMagnumTyphlo ★well for base start... to me, i fi raise friendship to a pokemon from lvl 1
ColosoalEaster island is a good spot
Hykrosso how long does it take to raise happiness? which raises it by a lot
ViralMagnumTyphlo ★**U L T I M A T E      G A M B L I N G**
sm01rica gives you global pc after 2nd gym
tetrisliciousso many good mons in the safari that i wanna shiny hunt but safari zones...
ViralMagnumTyphlo ★clearing a region most of the time allows global pc, so you can transfer
ColosoalI see you have found voltato sm
vintasomething to do with pcs
vintaoh yea i forgot how to transfer
ViralMagnumTyphlo ★to get surf you trasnfer a pokemon with surf from other regions, fastest with a guide is summer island
&KingTapirquickest way to get surf is via summer island
ColosoalNeeds surf
&KingTapiryou need surf!
ColosoalDang :/
&KingTapirwhich is all of them
vintahow do you get to the flowery area in the rolling river safari
&KingTapirthe one in the game i've never played
ColosoalYo king what’s the best banjo kazooie song
&KingTapiridk what that is
sm01remember when defog did nothing in battle?
ViralMagnumTyphlo ★KingTapir is a stand user, change my mind
&KingTapiryou can clear the fog by progressing the story
LynxALot11Does Defog work?
ColosoalI think I’m not sure
&KingTapirthat's the best part
sm01defog gets rid of it i think
ColosoalAnyway you need defog
LynxALot11You don't
Dubakhow do i get around it?
LynxALot11(technically its smoke but the effect is fog)
&KingTapirwhat did u just call me
LynxALot11Cuz its foggy
ColosoalBut treasure trove cove is on top
Dubakwhy do my attacks not land in harshholme undergrowth?
OriNene97i like clanker's cavern
ColosoalTrue mmm is also good
sm01that one's good too
tetrisliciousmad monster mansion