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MoemaKagamototry the left teleporter
PG55do i need to become champion?
MoemaKagamotoinside bills house
PG55theres no way to get there
PG55how should i get to route 0
Sake-KunNo bidoof, sherlock.
PG55and theres no way to get Gliscor in Hoenn too
tyler0o0im in the early game
Zigzalalr so i made it past the main jumping part on route 0 and i'm here with what looks like a ton of tp tiles. what am i supposed to do here?
Tripb85theres no way to get toxic orb in hoenn
PG55or Toxic Orb
tyler0o0i can allways just get into a double battel with wermpul
PG55use potions
PG55just dont
Tripb85it goes away if you heal at a pc though
Sake-KunYou gave it nanomachines.
PG55do not
tyler0o0i poisoned it with poison sting and it started healing
RaywenPG55 that what made gliscor so annyoing to battle
tyler0o0its working now
PG55if you have Toxic Orb
Tripb85so it would still damage you
PG55passive heal AND immunitie to non-volatile status conditions
Tripb85poison heal isnt implemented
tyler0o0im doing a nusslock and got a poison heal shroomish
Killergunfuryyou need to go home Sin
Tripb85not really
Killergunfuryi talked to him but hes still here
Sincubusyeah, he just vanishes when you talk to him
tyler0o0poison heal is over powered
Killergunfurythis dude?
angstyxim here too and see him again
Tripb85well pleasure doin business
PG55i can catch another one
Tripb85oh ok
Tripb85i already have my own snorlax anyway
PG55you can keep it[
Sincubusover by the guy that gives you the fishing rod
PG55but thx for the mon
Tripb85actually do you want the snorlax back you can just give me a rattata or smth
PG55well, i lost a Snorlax
Killergunfurysin im in borovia show me the guy you see
Zigzalhey guys what do the diamond blocks do in route 0
Tripb85you can keep it i dont need
PG55im in lavender
Tripb85sure hold on
Tripb85PG55 what region
Killergunfuryhe doesnt exist sin
PG55can anyone lend me a pokemon with fly?
Sincubushe's not a ghost, just a normal lookin dude
Tripb85that you get souls from
Tripb85probably one of those ghost people
angstyxhe says "..." and vanishes in a flash of light
Sincubusam I being gaslit rn lol
angstyxyea i saw him too, wondering the same thing
Killergunfuryyou need to take your meds
Killergunfurytheres no dude like that there sin
Sincubushe stands near the guy that gives you the rod
darkeryetdarkerand i have no life shrooms left... goomy
Tripb85hey theres a swift tm in kanto right
Sincubusits a normal lookin dude
Sake-Kun*Gives Darker a Reviser seed*
Killergunfurythe ghost dude?
Killergunfurywhat dude sin?
Sincubuswhats up with that dude in borovia that stands by the lake that just vanishes when you talk to him?
Zigzalwith my lvl 22-25 pokemon, am i ready for whatever is at the end of this?
Killergunfurynot gonna say thank you?
darkeryetdarker1460 encounters can someone just pick up a glock and end my suffering
RezzyTheGamershow me which ones
iglutsothe orange lines on the second part are crazy tho
RezzyTheGamerIO sent you my path
iglutsoyouve forgotten your old pal..
RezzyTheGameridc i already done it and wont be there again
iglutsoi got an insane line for trial 6