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Jext ★, Someone47, Daltonis, Icymoss, PG55, wheresandshrew, Tyinyk, Alb, Enter_Nam, NyraKyte, ViralMagnumTyphlo, ZeroStarKai, Araima, FireSpell, AloyHere, Diamondseek, mattgcn, World, banddit, Yonderdz, JaneJewel, MDCII, Jariii, OutragousCake, Poppzilon, Belsarion, SoulTheDrawer, umbralultimatum, RS3PT, RoscoeTreefiddy, april, kingofclouds190, comfuzzled, Kiracha-28, Machina, LuluNights, GemWolfZ, ScottieBuckets4, greenstar, Moondust381, Mauritomg, Rhazzy, Papita321, 0verL0rd, razon, jd_123_45, Jack2103, alexpantera, BestPokefan, skur ★, Pixelator, TheRamenGuy, TastyTaste, Draganis, pkmntrainerwillum, ProfessorP, Azatoth, ThomasHx, ImpossibleNight, peacewing, Apple_gg, DHenny41, mariasumi, angstyx, Victormallo, otter, ittybittycat, tetrislicious, delete936, Maxtamer24, Taysuke, Betamon, Ikeratso29, Killergunfury, ArcanistWolf
Sircit_Boardtype of shading.
Sircit_Boardor if opposite it would be negative no.
NixcelpixJext have some shinies i guess
Sircit_Boardshiny Missing no. will be called epilepsy.
m_richterAnd he even does have a shiny? Damn, the devs are fire
NixcelpixSomeday all we need to do a race about who get a Shiny MissignNo o a golden glitchy boi
NixcelpixYeah, a Shiny, but not a golden...
m_richterIm a fan of this silly glitchy boi
NixcelpixI only know one who catch it shiny
NixcelpixYes, there a shiny
FinchLord315isn't he at bills house or somethin
samwichconlimonthere is even shiny missingno
Nixcelpixand ta-dah
NixcelpixNah, just follow the same step like the MissingNo in red/blue
NixcelpixDoing the MissingNo glitch
RezzyTheGamerhow do you get missingno in kanto?
Sircit_Boardik no would pass on that.
YogozinI hope all of you gamers have been keeping yourselves hydrated!
Tozinono kidding
Tozinowould play
Sircit_Boardlol would laugh if moemon was part of this LMAO.
NixcelpixIna Hololive Mentioned
Kriltecrankwhy my screen is black
samwichconlimoneh, I will just ping tapir and let him know they appear to be the same
AraimaProlly post a screenshot of a side-by-side on discord?
samwichconlimonweird, osheangle's overworld sprites are the same, shiny or no
Skunkmonkk ill dm you
Sircit_Boardhaio skunk i somehow dc'd during the easter island conversation.
Sakebucool thanks
Sakebudoes this game autosave
LunessaHave a good one o/
wheresandshrewBye Jono1son! Happy Night!
Jono1sonRight about time for me to head ti bed I think. Laters everyone!
HexbloodOK thanks. I might have a script blocker hindering it.
NixcelpixYeah, thats
samwichconlimonho0ver over it to see what the full thing says
RezzyTheGamerput mouse over it to read
NixcelpixJust move the mouse until a pop up message appear hexblood
darkeryetdarkerhold your mouse on it and it will show the full thing
HexbloodWWhat doesitmean when the wiki says for the evo "Level u..."? I have seen several like that.
darkeryetdarkeri just realized that druidune's shiny [the grass one] sucks
RezzyTheGamergotta love getting lost in kanto again lol
RezzyTheGamerI found region reset. poggers
samwichconlimon20 more feralamb must die before I leave this area
PG55use /join hideandseek
PG55i do have one
RezzyTheGamerlet's make a separate hide and seek chat
FinchLord315I wish I had your problem the exp curve of dragonair is horendus
RezzyTheGamerwanna get all starters
RezzyTheGamerhow do i restart a kanto run but in blue version?
PG55for some reason every single trainer wants to fight me
Sincubusis it possible to get another whelter in summer island
FinchLord315No one yet waitin on pg
Tozinowho's hiding tho
FinchLord315Hide and seek
PG55hide and seek
LunessaSo what's going on in Viridian?
PG55im stuck in traffic
FinchLord315At least it aint a dratini needle
PG55can you wait a lil more
darkeryetdarkeryea one is easy to find as a building while the other is more rare then a nail in a hay stack
LunessaI found a Shiny Nido F before finding a Nido M lmao
FinchLord315Oh I have no idea that's just where I got mine
LunessaI could've sworn both Nido's spawn here in route 22. One's just rarer than the other isn't it?
FinchLord315ISn't it in like the route between pallet and viridion?
FinchLord315I dont think they spawn in that grass
RezzyTheGameryeahother version are hard to find
LunessaBeen sitting here for an hour trying to find a Nido M
LunessaOh cool. Didn't realize there was a party going on in Retro Kanto lol
EraserRabbitOh no, transform isn't implemented. Ditto is in danger.
RezzyTheGamercan we also hide in veridian and pewter?
FinchLord315Do you know how to get fly?
barbietingzhow do i get a bike on easter island :,)
FinchLord315Do you have fly yet?
PG55im kinda far away from viridian
Sake-KunHarshalker with 31 Speed IV lol
FinchLord315just the person seeking turns of tags and radar
RezzyTheGamereveryone pose
archimadoso unfair :D
PG55just wait a second
archimadoi love the be ganked by pokemons 3v1 and not being able to take 3 poke of mines into battle