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nihilitythey literally change the mons personality
Zigzal*new pokengine player silently tiptoeing out
ZeroStarKaiCompared to a Roblox discord ya'll are chill
nihilitywait then what r mints
ZukukuzuNew pokengine player: "I'm in danger!"
PG55"and is using drugs!"
nihility252 Atk 252 Spd 4 Spdef 🔛🔝
PG55"this guy just killed 2 people!"
Zigzalimagine a new pokengine player seeing chat for the first time
ZukukuzuAll for the min max
ZeroStarKai"The click is stopped" this is gonna be a fun hoenn run ain't it
Raywenthe protein does go hard
nihilityr we overdosing our mons for evs
nihilitythe vitamin supplements
nihilitynah nah
PG55route 0
ZukukuzuBrightpowder is crack
Raywenwhat about rage powder
nihilitythen thats just steroids
ZukukuzuThere's an imposter :mon_00chrllz:
Tripb85bugs snort it and they get stronger or smth idk
Tripb85silver powder would make more sense as crack
nihilitythe enemy becomes so high that their accuracy drops
FinchLord315I knew the sign in city of tears was sus
ZukukuzuSomeone is being very ****sus**** right now.
Sake-Kun*When someone is sus*
nihilityyea and the pokemon with bright powder throws the crack at the enemy
ZukukuzuYes, it's very **sus**.
PG55Among Us?
FinchLord315vine boom
Tripb85bright powder is just a bag of crack
ZukukuzuUh oh, I think there's an imposter among us
FinchLord315That's why it lowers freindship cause are you freinds with the dude who forces weed down?
ZukukuzuYeah, you!
FinchLord315I think revivel herb is just weed and the pokes dont want it
ZukukuzuBro got wished by the dragon balls
PG55i pressed the wrong button...
nihilitybro came back like gojo
ZukukuzuMore like revival herb
Zigzalmax revive fr
ZeroStarKaibro cut off my wifi
ZeroStarKaiNah I got sacrificed for him to live
FinchLord315Dude was around long before time had a name
Zigzalthe slaughter continues
ZukukuzuHeros never die
nihilitybro got rezzed
Zigzalnuh uh
PG55Zigzal didnt i murder you?
PG55to punish the guy who made route 0
Zigzalsomething something villain arc
PG55and no way to go back unless you finish it
Zigzalpg be careful
Tripb85working game corner games when
Ghost-Zodiacthis jumping part is tough
PG55with no check point
Ghost-ZodiacI refreshed twice and it didn't, if it's just near the end tho that makes sense
PG55and it will be a giant route 0
ZukukuzuSounds ominous
PG55ill make a region called "minigames"
ZukukuzuMystery Zone
ZeroStarKaigot thrown into the void for a moment
Tripb85there arent any encounters aside from one at the end irrcs
Zigzalyou might need to reload the page
Ghost-Zodiacis it normal for the grass and trainers in Celadon Woods not to work?
Zigzalmakes sense
FinchLord315I do auto run
Zigzalthat sounds like it's hard to hold run down
FinchLord315I just map everything near wasd with q yes and e no
ZukukuzuThe wild pokemon music in Harsholme gives me Pokemon Colosseum/XD vibes
Zigzali have L as "yes" K as "no" and J as "jump"
Sake-KunI still have the original GB cartidge.
FinchLord315The items apear after beating the trainers
Zigzaltry rebinding it to J
Sake-KunI was so overpowered in my Red save, I used SS Anne trainers to play around with Mew Glitch.
Zigzalpg you have to wait a second after respawning before you jump
FinchLord315Beating the trainers gets you items
Zigzalim trying to avoid most and just get the TMs and stuff if you cant heal
PG55if my "c" key stops working one more time, ill murder someone
nihilityidk i avoided all the trainers