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iglutsoon discord
iglutsoill dm it to you
OrenjiAitethe bush below the arrows...
iglutsothen you can jump on the bush right below the arrows
TheNewKingBretwhere you at?
iglutsoyou need to click on the button right next to the jumps
OrenjiAiteIm stuck in the respawn switch section of bills puzzle. I just got past the respawn switches but an arrow tile wont let me get past near the top where the rhydons are
TheNewKingBrethe getting off?
Jono1sonHeading out Sir?
Sircit_Boardwell im going to stop here and pick up later.
Sircit_Boardno there is no leech seed its not implemented.
PenguinEmissaryI didn't use Leech Seed
Sircit_Boardoh no leech seed oof.
PenguinEmissaryI click reconnect. But then the game crashes and I get a lot of error messages!
PenguinEmissaryI keep getting disconnected from the server!
TheNewKingBretbetter luck next time
TheNewKingBrethave nice one.
SirnefHave a good one mate
tetrisliciousand much longer to go im sure well ill catch ya later goodluck everyone
WindScourgei was like why do i keep stop moving LOL
TheNewKingBretdamn dude thats alot
WindScourgeoh enter hits chat lol
tetrisliciouswell i think being at 550 balanorals and 70 trash thats a good wrapping up point for now
SirnefFound the person who breaks everything in the escape room lmao
Sircit_Boardwell found the chest why cant i just have the dog bite the lid open. lol.
SirnefIngame time on top left of screen on pc
Sircit_Boardif it was i would still be at Easter island rn.
Sircit_Boardfrom what i heard  7 min = 1 hr
Zandyis time of day based on actual time of day?
Sircit_Boardhypnosis is key for Capture lol.
tetrisliciousim not against going that far
TheNewKingBretclick on battle get me prism scale and trade get a heart stone lol
tetrisliciousbut who knows if it takes that long to get my golden boi then maybe i will get that much trash
tetrislicioushaha no not at all XD 550 balanoral im only at like 70 trash
TheNewKingBretthe error i get randomly is funny battle trade or cancel when fishing
Sircit_Boardif so man's on a mission to save earth.
Sircit_Board550 trash?
tetrisliciousnearing 550
Sircit_Boardfor the pokemon in the sea im just dive ballin or hypno then dive bal.
TheNewKingBreti need to go*
TheNewKingBreti need to summer island again so i can use my master balls =.=
Sircit_Boardfinally i can dip in water *sees skin as burnt as bacon.
TheNewKingBretif you want to get done with pokedex best to wait until get the gobal pc
PenguinEmissaryHello everybody
Sircit_Boardoh! gues thats done lol
TheNewKingBretyou dont need to evolve anything
TheNewKingBretjust catch all the mon on the island you get mon that has surf as reward
Sircit_Boardwell i can still do the dex.
SirnefYou just need to catch all possible first stages
SirnefYou don't need to evolve for summer isle
Sircit_Boardyea so i can surf.
TheNewKingBretsummer island ?
SirnefSpecial prize?
Sircit_Boardman guess its just exp farm til i fill the island dex so i can get the special prize.
SirnefDiscord said 36-ish for both
Sircit_Boardwhat level for pupsea female evo?
Mijalloyeaaa :)
SirnefG'luck g'luck ya'll
TheNewKingBretsame to you :)
tetrisliciousbest of luck to us all
TheNewKingBretgoing fishing for shint i guess
SirnefBut anything for my crayola dragon
tetrisliciousyikes sounds like a pain
SirnefSo this might be a pain lmao
Mijalloi have 8097 encounters w gulluton and still no shiny xd
SirnefDruddigon I think only spawns in this one area that it shares with all these other pokemon
tetrisliciousi got  shiny one in scarlet im 500 in to my balanoal hunt
SirnefThat's normal sometimes, just put it in pc and back, or refresh
TheNewKingBreti feel your pain
TheNewKingBrettry 1320 and no shiny mew
Sircit_Boardi got something called undefined that my pup picked up?
tetrisliciouslooking for a shiny druddigon?
Sirnef200 druddigon encounters...this is gonna take a while x.x
NOB0DYOh  thx
SirnefAny pokecenter
MaskedToastyou cant ever
TheNewKingBretupstair in pc
NOB0DYHow do i go back to hub from kanto?
TheNewKingBretnothing really but like 3 trainer their
Sircit_Boardwhat can give more exp in summer iland
tetrisliciousa mean fight
tetrisliciousi hated that
tetrisliciousyeah that one
TheNewKingBretwell 4 if count the one i couldnt catch
TheNewKingBretonly 3 where random for me
Jono1sonI've only found 2 of my shinies in hoards. Rest are random encounters.