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Tripb85i saw lol
darkeryetdarkerfunny fact druidune learns landorus signature move
samwichconlimonursaring had NO abilities, NO stats, NO maidens, and NO money. This made it's busted strong evo even more broken
RezzyTheGamerIT LAGGED
RezzyTheGamerfesdzragnb WEKNJFA\
Tripb85can caught pokemon still drop itesm
EonAriseni love hippowdon pokemon with great movepools
samwichconlimonreal reason: Ursaring, until ursaluna was added, had bad stats and was doing nothing, so they gave it whatever. funny reason: Bearvatar, the last punch bender
Tripb85yk thats actually a pretty cool name
Tripb85avatar the last bearbender
EonArisenhe cleffaing oneshot my gabite
xsweatersxhe is the avatar
demonyccause he is smart
RezzyTheGamerhe's a smart bear
EonArisenwhy does this ursaring know like all the elemental punches
nihilityimma come back in a few hours to check but cya
Tripb85the quest icons olok fine to me
nihilityso uh imma just hop off since the game wont load at all
&KingTapiri just added it to my entire region
&KingTapirthe new Quest icon is breaking things
&KingTapirseagulp apparently
xsweatersxgday mister monarch of long snouted land animal
Tripb85what drops cliff feathers i forgot
demonycharbor in harsholme
nihilitythat didnt work
&KingTapirwho broke
demonycwe just have to wait for somebody to fix it
demonycthis is a map issue
demonyci dont think so tho
Tripb85ooh i just looked it up it kinda reminds me of sandygast
darkeryetdarkerits a goofy lil snail [or something else]
Tripb85you can try
nihilitywait do u think itll load if i reboot my phone
Tripb85uhh i dont know what druidune is but best of luck to you
darkeryetdarkeri already suffered with burrel so i know how this goes
NixcelpixIf you say it
darkeryetdarkeralso i don't need to rest bc mr L is keeping me going
nihilityyeah nothing works
darkeryetdarkerthe ground form
samwichconlimonwhich are you hunting rn again?
Tripb85ooh what mon
NixcelpixYou can keep going, or just take a rest for it
Tripb85are you shiny hunting
Tripb85100 encounters for what
darkeryetdarkerwell 1000 encounters and still nothing
nihilitybruh i might as well try private browsing rq
demonycnew tab also doesnt work
nihilityi did that too somewhere in between
Tripb85and/or logout and back in
demonyci dont think anyone that can do something saw it
Tripb85try to close the tab and open another
nihilityi did
samwichconlimonpost in discord. No clue
nihilityguys ive reloaded like 10 times it still says null 0:0 in errors help pls
samwichconlimonnice rezzy
MoemaKagamotoI got caterpie cause of blue
Tripb85or other way around idk hold on
samwichconlimoncurrent song reminds me of another song called one big beautiful sound. Great song, always makes me feel like someone with 3 too many pints in his system
Tripb85if weedle then its red
Tripb85uhhhhhh idk but you can check at viridian forest if you get caterpie its blue exclusive iirc
MoemaKagamotoI got the blue first - is it red at night for me then?
Tripb85i dont think the cartridge matters bc apparently you can get blue exclusives at night time
MoemaKagamotoCan you get the other cardridge in retro kanto later?
Tripb85i found it in the lighthouse in harsholme btw
Tripb85oh wait i forgot it shows you what the moves do if you click the tm
DiamondseekI think chance to lower attack?
darkeryetdarkerand the weak mons that weren given megas some of them went overboard
Diamondseek40 power physical fairy move
Tripb85what does cuddle do
TheNewKingBretrayquaza let give something that is op and make new teir list call overpower
darkeryetdarkeralso just salamance being broken as hell
Killergunfurymega mewtwo z
samwichconlimonmewtwo needed it actually. abilities suck, as does movepool. It does nothing special and it completely outclassed in modern competitive
darkeryetdarkernot rayquaza tho
TheNewKingBretbeedrill needed one tho
Killergunfurymega charizard z
darkeryetdarkertbh megas were good but the mons that were given them were bad choices  [ like mewtwo that guy is already broken]
samwichconlimonharsholme has mints. come there and fish for trash for 10 hour
MoemaKagamotoThe safari zone has mints but thats random
HKGaccepting suggestions
HKGi am in the hub, no idea where to even run off to first