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Jext ★, DrexTruction, wulfOG, horologist, Flamingsundragon, Toadstool, DrakenSilver, DravynLeCrux, antoniosafe, envychimera, Jadzki, Zatch5G, DigiDragoon, Deltarus, WakoDoodle, Rainbeon, Fengerr, Count_Fapula, tetrislicious, KendinoGaming, antigone, meggieport, Samulove, bops, Persnickity, Spartan369, Don_Roger, N_N ★, Bem, HOSHINO, ItsValentino, 10B, Cheemsyfimsh, Badomun, Rachiiid.01, kyledove ★, Papi, Onyx009, L_Tanuki, Erispheria, DigitalNova, ascuals, Xiterok, lemonitenite, AutisticVenusaur, Funky, Lirrie, HelixJr, lafish, Mara11, RoughKnight, Zelldrish, Ascelin, Primal
DrexTructionan 80 power unavoidable move with STAB?
MxDemeanoroh wow aura sphere is better here than I thought
MxDemeanoroh I'm out of pp for dragon pulse
DrexTructionhe said, sarcastically
DrexTructionin this dire situation
DrexTructionoh no, whatever will you do
MxDemeanorand is 30 levels higher than all the gym leader's mon
MxDemeanoroh wait lucario has dragon pulse
MxDemeanorI'm up against a dragon type leader
MxDemeanorand badly
MxDemeanorbut I play dangerous
DroncarBut they look cool
Droncaras well
MxDemeanorand fairy
Droncarthey have a crippling weakness to ice lol
MxDemeanorheh look at them all
MxDemeanor:mon_009g1oez: :mon_00o0xb3o: :mon_00lax622: :mon_001wqjit: :mon_00gkuwkj: :mon_00pbpsb0:
DroncarOk or you could just get all your team together in party and I would just check your profile
MxDemeanorand I'm not in region select
MxDemeanorno i'm copying all their ids
Droncari cant see, try going out of region select
MxDemeanorokay guys how does my team look
MxDemeanorOooo thats a good idea
DroncarOr for easy levels in the beginning i usually do Cloudia gauntlet lasts floorsq
MxDemeanorthe chansey is level 70
DroncarYou could
MxDemeanoror bastion to shiny hunt at the same time
celthesleepyfoxwas saying that it was a good thing for all the mons for xp lol
Droncarit gets faster as you level up because he scales on average team level
MxDemeanorI think I might just grind battle tower
MxDemeanorno its taking forever
celthesleepyfoxisn't that a good thing?
MxDemeanorbut its taking forever to get one level up
MxDemeanorprolly because I have the sxp share on and all my mon are getting exp
MxDemeanorthis chansey trainer sucks
DroncarI swear if the next shiny i get in FF is a 5th lickypop i might smash my screen
Droncarur welcome
MxDemeanorthanks dron
MxDemeanoroh okay
Droncarverdant garden
MxDemeanorwait wheres the scaling chansey trainer
godzilla9999droncar took me 90 ultra balls to catch a red HP Moltres last night
LightDiabloye I'll ping u there
DrexTructiondo we have an off topic channel?
DrexTructionwhere in the discord would "trigonometry problems" be a topic?
DrexTructionif you show me the problem I can see if I remember how to solve it or not
LightDiabloI refreshed
LightDiabloso who can help me sorry
LightDiablook I'm back
WakoDoodleLight does yeah
DrexTructiondid you need help with homework?
MxDemeanorback to easter island
WakoDoodleI know a guy called pythagoras like triangles a bit too much and that X always changes its value because its scared of Y and Z
DrexTructionso maybe if I see what you're tryna solve it will come back to me
DrexTructionthe way I did math was just memorize the way problems are solved and apply it to the exam, I barely know the name of anything
WakoDoodleonce you leave school most stuff you learn fades away D:
DrexTructioncan't say I remember much about trigonometry
LightDiablobasically unit circle trig
WakoDoodle:eye: ---- :eye:   No
DrexTructionwhat grade of math?
LightDiabloare u good in math?
LightDiablohey wako
LightDiabloI don't beleive it
WakoDoodlepossibly :D
LightDiablowell now wako has some company
Whopper223I am not letting go
LightDiablowhich multiverse?
DroncarBye bops lmazo
Droncaroh lol
WakoDoodleI thought bops was leaving, NO WAIT!
bopsbye wako
Droncarbye wako
WakoDoodlenunite bops!