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Primalyou mean barovia
darkeryetdarkerits borovia
darkeryetdarkerstill wrong primal :3
Primalbolivia* mb
Icymossback BBY
PrimalI dont remember
Primalits been a while since I've done barsovia
cory239like the boss at the dinner table
darkeryetdarkeri still don't get why rupsen is in rica [i would love something else then its bold ass]
Primalwhich one do you mean
Primalthere are like a lot of ghots in bolivia
cory239@primal what do i do after i beat the ghost in boriva
darkeryetdarkerits the same mon
Primallove goats
PrimalThis mon is the best :mon_00dw8d9y:
mosleswait i got the blue one but no difference right???
darkeryetdarkerah also it gets flash fire and not steam engine as HA
darkeryetdarkerthe ONLY DIFFIRENT IS the first stage of bold ass is blue
moslesdid not notice it
cory239what do i do after i beat the ghost
moslesoh LOL
darkeryetdarkerbc yours is rican
Paperboy012305That's kind of bias.
moslesis there a reason why mega rupsin is a thing and the other two are not
darkeryetdarkerand ofc its the bold ass....
darkeryetdarkeractually let me check what is the most picked starter
Paperboy012305There's Drizzle Pelipper you can get as a better water type, sadly it didn't get the gen 7 special attack power buff.
moslesthen im going with fire sounds good
darkeryetdarkerthen falls at the final evo
capoznichhow to i see these choices?
darkeryetdarkercotylit peaks at cotyleaf
ItsCarroti picked water lmao
Primalgrass one is cute
moslesno love for my grass cotylit :(
Paperboy012305Yes, there's way better water types.
Primalcant respect anyone who picks the water one
Primalwater one is ass
darkeryetdarkerprimal that bold ass isn't the best
Paperboy012305The fire one, mostly because of its hidden ability.
darkeryetdarkeralso water
Primalfire one best
mosleswhat starter pokemon did yall pick in rica
mapleaudinoits brave huge power
Paperboy012305May need to hatch another one with huge power.
Silkeregnthen thats not possible there
mapleaudinoi dont see an option for that
Silkeregndo what I said
mapleaudinoim in easter island
Silkeregnright click your mon and see if its enabled in that region
mapleaudinoi need a move relearner
Primaldont you feel quite silly
mapleaudinoi made my azu not learn aqua tail
Paperboy012305No no, fight the Lost Souls. They'll get you to the levels you need.
Cjblaze11ima just catch another pokemon
Cjblaze11maybe borovia is hard for me cuz im underleveled
mapleaudinois there a move relearner in easter island
cory239rookedie carru
Paperboy012305I lost that fight and had to grind in the backwoods.
Paperboy012305The second time is a huge jump.
Teaowlfirst two guards you fight had like a 5 lvl advantage on me
Paperboy012305I was fine with that grinding part.
moslesok thanks i will
cory239borovia takes a lot of grinding
Primaltraditional feeling, new fakemons
PrimalMosles you can try rica
Cjblaze11mudkip has a little disorder
SilkeregnHarshlome is simple
Paperboy012305I say any team can do, Borovia isn't that hard.
Cjblaze11its just
moslesas someone who is completely new where to do you recommend going
Primalbut your mudkip looks weird
PrimalI like your broomy
Cjblaze11rate my team
Paperboy012305Canon, Unova. In Pokengine, either Rica or Borovia.
darkeryetdarkeri love them all
Paperboy012305That's weird.