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Droncaromelet lotad is insanely cool ngl
Icymossnah nah nah nah nah bulders gate 3 said luck is a thing fr
mapleaudinois there a single pmd reference anywhere
Icymossmushroom omelette mmmmm
Primalluck is not real
Primalyou made that up icy, no such thing as getting lucky
SleebyEepybut im hatching seasnugs
SleebyEepynow i want to go make omelette...
Droncaronly shiny omelets
Icymossi've had 3 tho ;-;
Primalno such thing
Primalshiny eggs?
Primalgzz on the nickit
Icymossppl getting lucky now lets hope for some shiny E G G S
PG55EeveE's a cat
Icymossnoice gz
DSisCooli just got a shiny nickit
PG55Raikou is the only legendary beast who's a cat
PG55Mewtwo is a cat
mapleaudinono shiny ?
Icymossmaple and willow sisters
PG55maple syrup
PG55call the other one "syrup"
Droncarto exit fullscreen
Icymosslol one is called maple btw
Droncarpress F6
PG55if they allow numbers
mapleaudinoname them after the splatoon cats
Droncarcat1 and cat2
DSisCoolhow do you get out of fulscreen mode
PG55if i ever have twins, im gonna name them "Twin1" and "Twin2"
Icymosstwo cat sisters called cat and cat
DroncarTwo sisters named cat
Icymosslol nah they my sisters frfr
PG55the cats are siblings of each other
PG55hold on
Icymossi got 2 sister cats
Icymossnoice chunky lad
SleebyEepyomg kittn
Droncarhe kinda fat
DroncarRegular european
DroncarNow im paranoiac and cant do anything about it
PG5519.8% of people: NAH
Icymosswhat type of cat :)
PG55this game's achievment: get your first partner!
DroncarMy cat started moving behind me lmao
DroncarI got scared as hell again
BladeVapPidgey was blank on my RK dex
BladeVapthat is weird
Icymossnot true you can reset the hub and go to a diffrent zone >:)
ViralMagnumTyphlobro skipped the tutorial (?)
PG55theres no actual way for you to not catch one
Icymossvery rare
Icymossthe seasnug formation
PG55by definition
BladeVapbut here in Kanto it was blank
PG55you did catch one
Droncarpfff rookie
BladeVapI know i did in HUB
Primalwhat a newbie
BladeVapa PIDGEY?!
BladeVapnever caught
BladeVapI have
Droncarlittle egg fella
BladeVaptelling me
SleebyEepyyummy.. crunchy...
SleebyEepypoor eggies