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SleepymodeThey discompose, i suppose
PG55if not a skeleton
✏skur ★i literally just got on to help him
PG55so, what do they leave behind?
ColosoalEspecially since I have to do this all over again with teh other version for a electrizer
Silkeregnyou can trade
Cjblaze11welp uhh
ColosoalI just wanna finish kantos dex I don’t wanna deal with version exclusives:(
SleepymodeI think they don't have a skeleton
PG55my extremely important question was ignored
ILoveCrustlealright, lileep obtained (not shiny)
ColosoalMet me at viridans pokemon center if your playing red I guess
PG55which kind of spooky warrior do they leave behind?
ColosoalSince I don’t if weedle is a version exclusive I got a caterpie to trade so uh
Cjblaze11LETS GOO
PG55but what about squids?
PG55the same happens with dogs, rats and horses
PG55when a person dies, they leave a skeleton
PG55unless you should be able to
SleepymodeYes you can
PG55you cant be afraid of something you cant see the faqce of
PG55making you afraid
PG55facing the fear allows it to use its most powerful move
ILoveCrustleno. face the fear. Lobotomy Corp. values employees like you.
PG55the future is already built
ColosoalMost of the time through a champion esc battle
PG55kill it while it isnt looking
PG55dont face the fear
ColosoalAll the others have it obtaible in one way or another
ILoveCrustleface the fear. build the future.
PG55try asking a Dev/Mod to teleport you out
Cjblaze11im pretty sure they can tp people
ColosoalOnly regions that don’t have global pc is: cv, retro hoenn, or Neo sinnoh
Sleepymodeor stay there forever >:(
Cjblaze11ima just contact a mod
Teaowlnice seeing you
Cjblaze11im not losing my broom
Teaowljust got through the region collecting
Joseph036where do we find the global pc in other regions?
Sleepymodereset borovia
SleepymodeIn the shop you can ask to get a region reset
SleepymodeCJ i know how you can get out of there
Teaowlfellow gobblin fan
PG55me too, kid
ColosoalWe don’t talk about the waterwraith..
Cjblaze11im in pain
PG55dawn is when the sun rises, right?
ColosoalYo guys rember (insert submerged castle theme) or have you not played pik 2 yet
Silkeregnmy shiny Tickles evolves
Silkeregnoh yay
Silkeregnis it dawn yet
ColosoalThis means future sight and sucker punch are busted
Cjblaze11im trapped
ColosoalIf td a attacking move its second effect usually doesn’t work
Cjblaze11for now
ColosoalPluck works, it’s second effect doesn’t however
ProfessorPhey PG <3
PG55im back
Cjblaze11that means pluck doesnt work
ProfessorPsome N moves work partially
SleepymodeIt's more like incomplete
Silkeregnno worky
Cjblaze11what does n mean
Silkeregnahh thats what the N means
ProfessorPstill a (N) move
Silkeregnassuming it works the way its described to
Silkeregndosent seem like it
ProfessorPlets see
SilkeregnDoes firewall not work yet?
Cjblaze11im just a character in a video game. Nothing special, nothing unique, just existing.
SleepymodeIf you have
SleepymodeHave you tried using a scape rope?
Cjblaze11But *no*
Cjblaze11The only escape being the sweet release of death.
Cjblaze11I'm trapped, destined to become one with the books.
ColosoalYou get used to it when looking for rare spawns :)
Cjblaze11minutes feel like hours, i dont know how long its been since i got here.
ColosoalI might as well sell them in he auction if I get them in bastion then get them here
MajiNVegetaShiny boongus
ColosoalYeah but where’s the fun in that
ViralMagnumTyphlotrading also fills the dex so
ViralMagnumTyphloyou should get them, transfer them in kanto, evolve them, etc
ColosoalSo my retro kanto team would actually have venasuar instead of someone different