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Jext ★, Quackerp, DravynLeCrux, AlphaTwin032, Jayalone, afkei, N_N ★, SanguineSol, Mellithae, BannanaRaccoon, rawdogga, stani420, PiksandT-Tar, skur ★, Paperboy012305, Joseph036, Small, cory239, Icymoss, JaneJewel, Cannor, Diegnator, liverty, Hennnnni, Teaowl, Bluetacoes, Silkeregn, akishyff, Herii123, SolReborn_04, MelodyStarr, HugoBrawler157, Primal, HelixJr, PG55, Astroscopus, ProfessorP, Zombiegmng, SleebyEepy, Krall, CodexUntold, Ihazkirbro, nehoro65, scumgrifter, BasilShs, ILoveCrustle, Juur, Allison_Octavio, Sleepymode, FangFury, Lauti-09, Toffee2038, atlasrune, AddieBallin, MajiNVegeta, TRM101, Tokeyojo, ItsCarrot, FLaaVEn, E_wiking, XxkenxX, Cjblaze11, Sarcophugus, MudkipTheBest18, capoznich, PrimeHorineth, Colosoal
E_wikingdid you jump onto the big island?
ZaydenM10where do I jump
LuciferScarecrowwhere the HMs?
ZaydenM10are there hidden platforms?
ZaydenM10I hit checkpoint 2 made it here
ZaydenM10I'm at the giant ass pit
E_wikingare you at the zigzag?
ZaydenM10wait wtf is this
molina1_2_3_4.1callense un rato
ZaydenM10hit a new checkpoint yay
ZaydenM10I binded bicycle to left shift so every attempt is like instant
E_wikingOh trial 10 is full of those
ZaydenM10struggling on that 2 right-1 up jump
E_wikingYeah kinda relatable
ZaydenM10dude between trial 1 and trial 5 this is like clockwork to me
ZaydenM10its not that bad imo
E_wikingyou like it?
ZaydenM10NVM I first attempted it
ZaydenM10now this may be tricky
E_wikingWait till you get more progress
ZaydenM10jex said someone was having pain with it
ZaydenM10this is easy lmao
ZaydenM10ooo wiking I hit a check
SilkeregnI've asked in the general chat on discord, we'll see what happens I guess
E_wikingMochacho and Silk, try contacting mods in the server on discord
SilkeregnAm I going to have to reset my retro hoenn save?
Droncarrefresh the webpage Mochacho
ZaydenM10tbh with the arrow trick its not too difficult
Mochacho1010no global PC button!!
ZaydenM10at least this is skill >> rng
ZaydenM10trial 6 is harder imo
SilkeregnI have no items at all
Silkeregnhuh was the retro hoenn inventory cleared?
E_wikingMochacho refresh the website
Mochacho1010am I stupid where do I access global pc
ZaydenM10honestly this is bad but its really not terrible
demonyctry talking to the clown idk
E_wikingyou cant really miss them
E_wikingfind them yourself
ZaydenM10where + how many
E_wiking3 I think
Mochacho1010no global button :(
E_wikingThere are checkpoints
E_wikingJust interact with them
demonyctry refreshing
Mochacho1010I don't see a global button
ZaydenM10any checkpoints wiking?
Pirracas10How do I find an Eevee?
Mochacho1010I mean I see two PC's but they're just regular pc's
demonycthere is a global button in the botto
SilkeregnI really want to shiny hunt nincada
Mochacho1010does it look like a regular PC?
demonycbut not shedinja
demonycnijask is
E_wikingrefresh the page and it should be there
Mochacho1010so then uhhh where's the global pc
Mochacho1010I did catch Drenchest is that the end?
demonycis just there on the island
SilkeregnIs nincadas evo implemented yet?
demonycafter you fininsh it i think
Mochacho1010where can I find it?
Mochacho1010is there a global PC on summer island?
Pekkaton86in the cloud area?
Pekkaton86where can I find Rufflet?
Mochacho1010bro the thing broke out of an Ultra Ball at 0 shakes but gets caught with a pokeball
ZaydenM10is not a big deal now
afkeiidk i havent done it yet
Mochacho1010do I have to kill it or can I catch it?
ZaydenM10found a bunch of blind spots that made it ez
ZaydenM10told you my route was better
ZaydenM10I'm at the last jump
E_wikingwait a sec omw
Mochacho1010that's all 3 then
ZaydenM10winking watch
Mochacho1010ooh thanks
afkeithe key is down here
Mochacho1010another battle