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darkeryetdarkerlike discord tells the truth
ILoveCrustlejudging by the stream, yes.
darkeryetdarkerdidn't they already go insane like 3 hours ago
PrimalNix may be going insane
darkeryetdarkerall regions follow modern mechanics
Silkeregnwell it should be any region in pokengine
ArtyomKalvakovso gen 3 on up
ILoveCrustleever since Ruby/Sapphire
Primal"as a friend " </3
ArtyomKalvakovIs that athing in every game?
ILoveCrustlethey boost and lower certain stats by 10%
Primalu love me nix
ArtyomKalvakovWHats the plus and minus signs in pokemon stats mean?
Primalhe IS the shiny charm
ILoveCrustlenix do you have the shiny charm
Primalthats great
Primalyeah, how u been?
EeVeE_its been a while right?
Primalmakes me happy that people remember me
ILoveCrustlehi eevee
Primalhey eevee :D
SleebyEepyyummy.. crunchy..
EeVeE_Hey Primallllllllllll
ILoveCrustleit seems like he's in some king of... ***shiny hunting***
livertyso its better ruby?
Icymossnoice, may you find a shiny gold egg
darkeryetdarker... a gold egg
Silkeregnwhats a golden egg?
SleebyEepygolden egg
ILoveCrustlethe brainrot has breached our defenses
ILoveCrustlehuman... i remember you're singing
darkeryetdarkernix we remember your retro singings...
ILoveCrustlenix we will remember this
darkeryetdarkerchatot's fav
Silkeregnwith the sound type pokemon
ILoveCrustleah yes, the famous pokemon region of Singing
darkeryetdarkermy fav region
darkeryetdarkerretro singing
NixcelpixRetro kanto*
NixcelpixRetro singing
Primalsend him some rng in the stream
Silkeregnwhich region?
Nixcelpixhunting in stream until appear
NixcelpixMeeee :3
Primalnix is
SilkeregnAre you shiny hunting digglet?
ILoveCrustleso 500 encounters since the start of the stream
darkeryetdarkerlike i use burmy you
Primalget ready for another 1200 more
Primal1200 digglet encounters
darkeryetdarkertbh i love to troll ppl with using burmy as a normal word and they think its a swear filter
ILoveCrustlei literally forgot the swear filter exists
Icymosssapp for lotad
livertywhat is better ruby exclusives or sapphire?
ILoveCrustleand now it's goomying mudkip
darkeryetdarkerheh always ready primal
ILoveCrustlewhy is the word bidoof displayed for you as cleffa
Icymossi did it for the stream lol
Primalalright are you ready for my bear hug :mon_005412x6:
NixcelpixSure, what is?
ILoveCrustlei have a question
SleebyEepyomg huggys
IcymossNix *UwU*
darkeryetdarkerwell come here :3
Primalyes, makes me want to hug everyone
ILoveCrustleyooo nix is looking at the mudkip we're doing
darkeryetdarkeralso you have a issue with cute primal :3
Primalstop being cute y'all