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ViralMagnumTyphloMMMMMmmmmmmmm Banana
Primalwhat in the donkey kong is this? :mon_00l61hf1:
ColosoalLet’s see to finish hub dex I need
XiterokLast 3 of CV
XiterokWho Will be the last: Bulbasaur, Piplup or Popplio?
darkeryetdarkerxite why are you counting?
WakoDoodlemight as eel?
ColosoalMight as eell
ColosoalBut pre evos tend to be rarer so
ColosoalTrue :(
darkeryetdarkercolo you know the evos will come tho
WakoDoodlethats a new one
WakoDoodlefirst there was doom lawnmower but doom woodcutter
WakoDoodlegood luck ash willia-I mean colosoal!
Primalnot the sudowoodos
darkeryetdarkerviral lil too extreme
ColosoalAnyway Ima trade for pink baby now :)
MajiNVegetaBarons of hell
darkeryetdarkerflowey already died bc of it so it will work
darkeryetdarkercolo use a weed killer
ColosoalFirst a tree, now a lemon
ColosoalI keep getting haunted by them :(
darkeryetdarkerehhhhhhh weed killer
DroncarHmmmmmmmmmmmmmm use a garden cutter
ColosoalSpecifically plant related demons
ViralMagnumTyphlowhat kind of demons? XD
darkeryetdarkeri will unload this revolver on to you
ColosoalHow do I kill demons
ViralMagnumTyphlowhat happen colosoal?
ColosoalI need advice
darkeryetdarkeri will also if you don't return my pinl
ViralMagnumTyphlowho needed help in hoenn?
ColosoalOr else
ColosoalBUT you better return my boy blue mobipup
XiterokI have one
ColosoalMeet me at dock
darkeryetdarkeri have one colo :3
ColosoalThis is gonna be a while
WakoDoodlebabai bon
ColosoalNow to find someone with pink mobipup…
WakoDoodleoh boy! :D
ColosoalThank you primal :)
darkeryetdarkertbh why the hell does onirium sound like something minecraft mod would have?
Xiterok5 mons missing in CV
darkeryetdarkeralso wako when onirium is out your gonna have to do it and hub :3
WakoDoodleI do exclude starters and incomplete region mons since they are hard to get
ColosoalAnyway meet me at uhhhh dock in hub
ColosoalBUT you better return my boy blue mobip
darkeryetdarkerhub is very post game so fits wako
Toy_Bonnie_Gamingwait how do i clear the borough on easter island?
Primalgot the green one
ColosoalI just need pink and green mobipup so sure
Primalwanna trade colosoal
WakoDoodleinteresting colo, I did all other regions but hub XD
ColosoalThe one I still need is green and pink mobipup to make my region path worth it
XiterokCloudia has High level Mons, some sudo-legendary and legendary worthy farming
ColosoalMost of them being either avaible in other regions, fondness forest, or loss ends
WakoDoodleso if you know kanto off by heart, thats an easy one
ColosoalIm missing 28 Mons in hub excluding the unobtainables
WakoDoodlebe aware, most global boxes unlock by beating the regions story
DroncarWho you missing? We can help
XiterokHarsholme has the best way to farming exp
darkeryetdarkerman i forgot how good baba is you soundtrack is an till now
Colosoal28 mons I’m missing ex
XiterokI suggest Cloudia and Harsholme
WakoDoodleget them to lvl 50 or higher and you'll get those mons in no time
DroncarAlright now that Az isnt here anymore time to watch some ghost viedos again
Toy_Bonnie_Gamingboth were lvl 40
Toy_Bonnie_Gamingi legit have a vullaby and lazyrd in the hub i caught from rica-
WakoDoodleI'd recommend borovia, rica, kanto and harsholme
DroncarI used my gyarados to stomp everything personnaly
darkeryetdarkeraren't we all?
WakoDoodlenah bonnie, you're on an adventure time!
Toy_Bonnie_Gamingim goomyed :´)
WakoDoodleI suggest getting a strong team in another region and using global box to transfer it
ColosoalAnyway Ima count what mons I’m still missing in hub