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Ytlyea i have one mon forever in there now
ViralMagnumTyphloplease do not withdrew any mon from lost and found or only one mon will be stuck in that region forever
Ytlno it ended up in the party of the lost and found
MajiNxxTy again Viral
ViralMagnumTyphlowell LOST AND FOUND are literally the GLOBAL PC BOXES
ViralMagnumTyphlothey will block the statue wiev
ViralMagnumTyphloto get that statue you must spam talk to the sleepy pokemons
Ytland how can i get it back
Ytloh can i ask why did my gyarados end up in the lost and found
Nattyis the kapok gym bugged? i cant get this last statue in the top left corner
Ytlviral r u a mod
ViralMagnumTyphlobut im glad i could help ya!
ViralMagnumTyphloyeah we should report that
MajiNxxThé crocoils have problems with auction
XiterokHe thought it was his nice swamp
ViralMagnumTyphloi remember my crocoil also got hidden that way
MajiNxxI will recall him and put him back again
Ytlwill there ever be any pvp events?
MajiNxxI have some nice trained Mons in auction
XdotSVfrom selling an extra shiny walrust
XdotSVi just remembered that im sitting on 4500 ppp lol
ViralMagnumTyphloyour welcome
XiterokNice Crocoil
ViralMagnumTyphloso i browse each one individually and there's yours
ViralMagnumTyphloyeah each time a pokemon it's hosted it has a 4 digit code that it's the listing
MajiNxxIts position ?
XiterokAh, It happened to me too on Facebook long ago
ViralMagnumTyphloyou can access it through a listing link, we just need to remember it's position
ViralMagnumTyphloaparently your crocoil may had been hosted but it's not shown
ViralMagnumTyphlookay, auction has this bug called GHOSTING
MajiNxx20 mn
ViralMagnumTyphlorecently or long ago?
MajiNxxAnd cant find it enywhere
MajiNxxIve put a crocoil to auction but hé doesnt appear
ViralMagnumTyphlowhat happened?
ViralMagnumTyphloproblems with the auction?
ViralMagnumTyphlohello majinxx lol
XiterokWait some minutes
MajiNxxNot even a message
MajiNxxBut why i havent recieve nothing
ifighttheelderlyhow do i leave pitch town in rica
Ytlyea no one help bcuz its likely to be sold
MajiNxxIn discord no one help
MajiNxxIve been disconnected
XiterokThen you can't retriever It anymore
XiterokSomeone bought it
Ytlu put buy price
krimatizis gible in a specified location in centennial? or can i stay at spawn bushes?
XiterokYou get only One at the beginning
Ytlits gone
MajiNxxBuy price
XiterokDid you put a buy price or only the Auction price?
ifighttheelderlyhow do u get those
XdotSVthe mobipup?
ifighttheelderlychat you know those hub starters
XdotSVor try the lost & found region
XdotSVgift box on global pc?
MajiNxxAnd hes not in my boxes
MajiNxxIve put it to auction and hé didnt appear
MajiNxxI need m'y crocoil back
Ace93098where are you now
XiterokCan't help you, sorry
XiterokI never went to Rica
XiterokAnd some parta of HUB
ifighttheelderlydo you have to go through that cave in rica
XiterokRetro Hoenn (up to 4th Gym)
XiterokThere 's retro Kanto that is poke Blue/red
XiterokBird trio, Lugia and Oh-Ho
Ace93098im out time to get nephelith
adil2934bird trio?
XiterokAnd the First 5 Flying legends
ifighttheelderlyim in that tropical one with the hippo starter
XiterokLike Cloudia has (almost) all Flying poke
adil2934any legends?
XiterokIt depends on the region
XiterokAlso normal
ifighttheelderlyit has both
ifighttheelderlykinda like weird
adil2934is this game have normal pokemons or just oc's?
ifighttheelderlyi sent it bc the person sent a weird message