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LynxALot11If u try that strategy use the right wall
LeAmsOkok ty
M0w0ganbtw if you want a strat for not getting lost in the maze, choose a wall and just follow it, it won't be the most direct path but it'll prevent you from going in circles
LynxALot11The Cloudia Legendary mon
breauxdogbtw is poison good for severn
LeAmsWhat we get at the end?
LeAmsWtf is that maze
Volcanronyou get more souls to grind against and the starter evolves at the end
M0w0ganI just got to the backwoods
LynxALot11Its this maze
Volcanronm0w0 continue until you get to backwoods
M0w0ganbest maze you'll ever experience
LynxALot11(and a stupidly long maze)
M0w0gantrust me
M0w0ganand a really really fun maze
LynxALot11that has a quest for you
LynxALot11and then theres an NPC at Dreamstalk
LynxALot11You have to beat the tower
breauxdognvm I'm not gonna fight her forgot to lvl up
degdo you get more color options for other region's outfits?
M0w0ganit doesn't help that the starter so far has been terrible
Ace93098how do i get it
M0w0ganyeah I'm low mid 20s rn and I am struggling to get to that mid 30 benchmark so I can actually have a decent team
LynxALot11The Legendary of Cloudia
Ace93098what is nephelith
LeAmsBorovia is cool but the fighr... Jeez
Volcanronalmost every mon chosen in the region evolves in the 30s
Volcanroni mean i do get why though
Volcanronyeah every hard battle basically has just been guards with one overlevelled line
LeAmsGl breaux
LynxALot11Severn is tricky
breauxdogalr I'm probably gonna get cooked by Lund's daughter brb
Volcanron...from my sample size of 3
VolcanronRica has been amazing
M0w0ganYeah it's starting to get kinda frustrating, it's nice that the region actually has challenge but until their is an actual trainer ai it just feels like fake difficulty
degit was one of the few "complete" regions that seemed interesting
degim not opposed to giving it a shot
VolcanronBorovia has great puzzles but having to grind for every new guard is stupid
LynxALot11and most of the tms are obtainable from a shop postgame
LeAmsGl i choosed borovia first too its was painfull
breauxdogdeg you can leave just go in the manor
LynxALot11Borovia has a silly level curve but is still a good starting region
Volcanronsections of almost no level change, then it jumps up 30%
degmessed up
breauxdogI don't think there are any tms
LeAmsYeah you are constenyly under lvl in borovia good luck with tgat
EliMondexWhere do I buy the TMs on borovia?
degi picked borovia as my first
degis that a good thing or a bad thing
M0w0ganthe magnetons in the lab are so annoying
Volcanronborovia does not have a level curve. this wooper is stairs
breauxdogbro i keep getting one shot by mirror move 😭
M0w0gandoes anyone else feel constantly underleveled in borovia
LynxALot11there's only 21 ever caught so I doubt it but I thought I'd better ask anyways
LynxALot11Does anyone have a Flittle they would trade with me?
LynxALot11ummmm, idk
LeAmsTe xd
LynxALot11I forgot legendaries cant lmao
LynxALot11oh yeah
Nikey21i doubt sakurovix will be breedable
LynxALot11But due to it being an egg only mon
LynxALot11When Breeding is added and you can get a reliable source of Sakurovix eggs then it'll be easier
LeAmsOk thanks
LynxALot11Not really
Nikey21so.... not shiny huntable, not practically
LynxALot11and then you'd have to reset the entire region to get another so its probably not worth it
LeAmsAnd if he is shiny the egg is shiny?
LynxALot11that takes a very long time
LynxALot11You get an egg after you beat it
LeAmsEven if we dont have pokeballs on easter island?
LeAmsIs it possible to qhiny hunt sakurovix?
LynxALot11The first mon to get Bounce was Rapidash wdym
EliMondexIt is a float whale
Nikey21it's bawncy
Ace93098its a FISH
EliMondexWhy, it is less dence than air
Ace93098i still hate that wailord get bounce
LynxALot11I got Nephelith!!
ViralMagnumTyphlocongratualtions! :O
ViralMagnumTyphloif the pokemon walking gives you an item then it's friendship increase sighly
M0w0ganoh cool didn't know that
ViralMagnumTyphlomake your pokemon walk behind you and talk to them every bunch of steps