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crimsonsavage98how do you get mons from places youve completed
Paperboy012305That's fine.
ColosoalI would but I’m sorta busy with battke bastion rn
Paperboy012305Wait what. Oh! I was supposed to have my Linkite be traded IN Borovia. Could anyone be a kind soul to touch trade me one?
Paperboy012305I suppose it's back to Borovia dex completion.
Paperboy012305I mean, if they wanted to, they could remove it entirely.
ColosoalI think link cable was only disabled so the mmo aspect could shine
Paperboy012305Fine by me. Everything they need to be worked on mustn't be rushed.
Fargoththere typicaly is poeple who are normaly more than willing to evo trade so thats not a problem typically
ColosoalThe devs just need a bit longer to finish their projects (mainly jext) then the trade evos should be fixed one day
Paperboy012305Neat. I do hope it does eventually.
ColosoalI think so
ColosoalWhile stuff like dusknoir hasn’t had the item avaible yet even tho it works
Paperboy012305Aww man. Will it ever work again?
ColosoalBut has been disabled
ColosoalLink cable USED to work
Paperboy012305Really? Trade evolutions that don't work? Not even on that item that allows you to evolve mons by trading all by yourself?
ColosoalAnyway I think THE DIETY (aka jext) has a lot of info since he is a mod/dev so I guess ask him if you wanna know something
Paperboy012305I wanted to trade my Linkite because I want that Gobblin.
ColosoalI think I’m missing some but that’s about it
ColosoalOnly ones I think don’t work currently is politoed, scizor, steelix, electiver, magmortor,accelgor, whatever the second one was, and milotic
Paperboy012305I think it was successful. No problem!
ColosoalExcluding teh ones that don’t work ;-;
ColosoalEspecially since theirs like around 15 trade evos currently avaible
ColosoalYou get used to it :)
Paperboy012305Like I said, first time.
ColosoalYeah it’s during teh trade at the bottom of the pc box
Paperboy012305OOH. I see it now. I didn't know there was a widget. You see, I always have the game widget big.
ColosoalIf your not able to find the trade widget/menu then while in a trade go to the bottom of the pc and their should be a option for a trade menu/widget
ColosoalIt will be blue with teh two mons
ColosoalYou should be able to find a trade menu somwhere
BannanaRaccooncan you click green now
ColosoalSo after you offer as trade
Paperboy012305I'm clicking on "Offer as trade" and nothing else happens afterwards.
ColosoalAt the bottom of the pc their should be the trade menu (or option for it if your in a trade)
BannanaRaccoonwhat are you seeing
Paperboy012305That's not what's showing up for me.
BannanaRaccoonI put my mon in the pc then clicked z and a menu popped up with offer as trade then I clicked the green checkmark
ColosoalIt’s not like trades are region locked
ColosoalYou should be able to trade normally everywhere
ColosoalI’ve tried it in multiple locations like harsholme and hub and it works fine their
Paperboy012305Well I never done trading in Pokengine before so...
BannanaRaccoonTrade a kanto mon then I can go to boriva and trade that one there
ColosoalNo it works outside of retro kanto
ColosoalAlso what proplems are you having with trading
BannanaRaccoonor does it not work because not kanto
BannanaRaccoonclick checkmark?
ColosoalTeh idea is simple
Paperboy012305What's this? It's not letting me trade it.
Paperboy012305I'm coming! Where are you in said place?
Paperboy012305I mean, since we're just touch trading, i'm sure we'll be fine.
Paperboy012305It blocks you? Oh man, I don't know.
ProfessorPyou can trade allright
BannanaRaccoonI beat boriva but not kanto can I still trade a linkite or does it block me?
Paperboy012305I'll be there in a bit, In Harshlome doing EXP Farming.
ActuallyMetaI'm making my way through nugget bri- oh. You got it. :)
Paperboy012305I can do that, I would like to touch trade my Linkite as well.
BannanaRaccooncan someone come to vermilian city in retro kanto to trade so I can get alakazam
ActuallyMetaNot having repels in Pewter is... rough.
atlasruneOk so looks like Yolken's evo is the best then, just got to get to level 27 before it's not a burden to have on the team.
Icymossonly Egxiking with Fiary Spirit
Icymossbuy speed do you mean like flamebody?
Araimado laps on that bnuuy track when u can
atlasruneAre there other egg speed mons in Easter Island other than Yolken and it's evo?
Icymossnormal way just complete the region and go to grass gym city
NixcelpixThere a normal way
BannanaRaccoondo you have to do the trainer fly glitch for mew or is there a normal way to get it
Icymossnew update?
Icymossand mew + missingno
MrArrisonmewtwo is only available there right
Icymossweird amount of soup...
Araimaonly soup
Icymossonly retro
AraimaRetro Kanto has no outfits
MrArrisonand if so is there a female player in retro kanto?