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Droncarhey icy!!
Icymoss:wave: got any new shinys???
WakoDoodleso just teapot and rhyperior
WakoDoodlemoss XD
MajiiNPit block
RezzyTheGameri got 5 dont worry
IcymossYOOOO NEW SERVER SETUP! 134658_6c1621c52cad75a7.webp
MajiiNThe block is in rotating shop
WakoDoodlethe daily store
WakoDoodleno wait dron is right, it was from there
DroncarThen you can buy the bloc in HUB market
WakoDoodleI used global box to get ursaring over
DroncarNo Teddiursa in effort island
RezzyTheGamernot in global though
WakoDoodleI think from kohaku's shop
WakoDoodleursaring you can get
RezzyTheGamernow we just need ways to get these guys and shedinja uwu 136711_b308cc83b062e0c9.webp
godzilla9999ciao jest
Jestericimma disappear for now adios
WakoDoodleI had the same idea rezz :D
MajiiNWingale is everywhere in rica
godzilla9999my ex is a prime reason that this florida man quote is true: yeetily deet there can not be world peace
RezzyTheGameruse candies to get close and fight some ghosts
RezzyTheGameryou need to level up on the ghosts outside
darkeryetdarkerwait... gyarados using hurricane rain dance?
BaskOfSoftKittyexp candies, after challenging the count
WakoDoodlegrats on the goopy mon btw
WakoDoodletime to fight up to the count again :D
UnicornSnugglerLolol fair enough.
WakoDoodleah was fearing that
darkeryetdarkertbh i don't remember but i remember someone asking about that and the answer was no
WakoDoodlerezz where you do it?
Jono1sonAye nice Rezzy!
Cealanwhat is the most effective way to level mons up in borovia
UnicornSnugglerOh? Why's that?
darkeryetdarkeryep and never will be
UnicornSnugglerThere's not any sort of DexNav implementation yet, is there?
darkeryetdarkerbut they are lil lmited
Jesterickohaku cus it will be going bye  bye
Jono1sonYeah Hordes help
darkeryetdarkermostly bc hordes
UnicornSnugglerWhat's the best region for Shunting at the moment?
MajiiNI never got more than 2 max iv's
darkeryetdarkerfinally im at the summit now time to look for shellmet and the other bug
Jono1sonThanks! Dinner is in the oven. Time to Shunt for 25 mins
darkeryetdarkerin other words your will be a corpse before that happens
Jono1sonI'm back!
RezzyTheGamerhere's your chance for perfect iv's 136711_165028ec79efcbbe.webp
WakoDoodlebecause most online games like you emote :D
WakoDoodlemaybe its just me but I prefer talkin in a game as a chat room than discord
JestericI might start grinding for bottlecaps
WakoDoodletbh troll is prob on to chat
MajiiNPerfect iv ? Is there perfect iv's mon in the wild
Jestericso... you connected to tell us?
TrollhunterI do not want to play with ANY risk of LOSING my account bro
Jestericshould I hunt for a perfect IV ditto
WakoDoodleI like how all but 1-2 regions all have a different spinda :D
RezzyTheGamerhow long for borovia ghosts top respawn?
Jestericshould I sell spinda on auction for cheap
darkeryetdarkeryea i have it
RezzyTheGamersurf is needed
darkeryetdarkerif i need another hm there i will scream
darkeryetdarkerok now i can finally go to draguntale
Paperboy012305Well, off to find a kings rock.
godzilla9999finally  my Moltres ain't useless
Jestericthe first statue lets ya leave
Twiekahno it heals onlu
darkeryetdarkeryou can leave with the statue
TwiekahBut I want another region and now I'm locked in this place
Jesterichow many spindas are enough spindas
darkeryetdarkerand also just generally grind
darkeryetdarkerfirst get some balls from the shop statue
RezzyTheGamerneed to evolve in battle. exp candy didnt evolve it in the overworld 136711_9e7d129ae0395ac4.webp
Jestericwhy the burmy should we watch our cleffaing language
Twiekah   How do I get out of Kihaku I only have Clefary and die all the tile
darkeryetdarkerwelp time to go to harsholme
MajiiNBut still not getting back the point