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Silkeregnsomeone convert cyan to use WASD
DroncarRegional wigglet, a shupet evo, white hand and alolan vulpix lord
WakoDoodleflossing is kinda cringe like between for me
TheCyanSagethank you
✏mattgcnhit enter twice
TheCyanSageis there any way to get the arrow keys to stop scrolling chat
WakoDoodleCrazy Frog, Gummi Buar and tweetie bird? Very cringe
lorderokdoes the kohaku event have anything unique in it?
DravynLeCruxHonestly, it was quite the bop.
Paperboy012305That was my teenhood back there.
DravynLeCruxIt was a joke. I too was there when Gangnam was made.
Icymossim only 120
WakoDoodlelater skibidi in the weird story arc thing is... bareable?
DrexTructionyou don't have to be old to love gangnam style or any PSY song
WakoDoodleyeah thank lord for the red D:
DroncarOh skibidi is insanely cringe
DrexTructionwdym old folks
WakoDoodlebut if ppl like them, that's their own choice
Paperboy012305Woah, Wako is red now.
DravynLeCrux^- Old folkas aboive./
WakoDoodlenow skibidi? the early ones I find cringe
lorderoki remember when ganam style came out...
TheCyanSageAgreed I love the Gangnam Style
DroncarGangnam is cringe now?
WakoDoodleI actually like gangnam style
DravynLeCruxIs it though?
TheCyanSageQuite true Wako
Jono1sonI'm also a fan of mint/cyan/teals
WakoDoodletbh cringe is different to each person
DravynLeCruxI can't.
TheCyanSageI wish the game would stop randomly moving the position of where chat is because I really wanted to participate in the discussion as to why the Gangnam Style isn't cringe
Silkeregntake that back
Icymosstho moss can be red I love a good MINT
Silkeregndunno whats wrong with me
Silkeregnor can i
WakoDoodleSilk is on the neutral team
Silkeregnidk why but I cant change name colors
Paperboy012305For one, I don't join in convos like that.
Silkeregnme neither
WakoDoodleI don't like red! D:
DroncarWe got deleted from lord's chat
Paperboy012305Moments like these are what makes me question my existence.
lorderoksorry..... ;D
IcymossChat is this real?
Jono1sonOh boy
WakoDoodlereally Lord?
DroncarIm hearing boss music now
lorderokoh lets see how many i can convert
WakoDoodleif you are, get off it!
SilkeregnI didnt mean to
WakoDoodlemagnum are you on a red boat?
MagnumTheQuilSlayerWhoever chanted the age of empire monk spell, well congrats. im red now
Silkeregnwhy so bright
Silkeregnthat red color is burning my eyes
DroncarWhen Zax's johto comes out im defo shunting mareep
Icymoss1 2 3- zzzzzzz
MagnumTheQuilSlayerlook what you did
WakoDoodlealright farmers, start to count your sheep!
Silkeregnremember wolololololo
Primalme when sheep mons -> :D
MagnumTheQuilSlayerwoolo my beloved
DroncarI watched the official pokemon episode on youtube about wooloo so many times
WakoDoodlewe need fields full of mareep and wooloo
Silkeregnwe could do with a wooloo hat
PrimalI want wooloo's :(
DroncarI love :mon_00ggzx77: as well
WakoDoodlenecrokat outfit when?
Silkeregnits next to the poke center and those gacha machines
IcymossChristmas Crampus Skiddo would go hard
Silkeregnyou mean the costume?
lorderokand someone emntioend a scaling encouter for leveling?
WakoDoodleits like spheal and wooper. They are undefeated together
lorderokhave i earned my reward on HUB then?
Primal:mon_00dw8d9y: baa
WakoDoodleSkiddo + mareep = peak farm pokemon
Droncar:) im glad