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SilkeregnI mean my physical copy
WakoDoodlewell its incomplete so er... why?
Silkeregntime to hunt a shiny starter
Silkeregnwelp reset my emerald save file
TheCyanSageIt would've gone from that to "It's been said that before the distinction of Humans and Pokemon, Typlosion would find lost trainers and bring them to their places of shelter for the night, and seek out their families after."
TheCyanSageyeah if the document was kept it'd very much be chopped to bits and most of it would be left on the cutting room floor
Whopper223hey guys i can't wait for the "ounce"
WakoDoodleas a quick example ofc. I'm not a professional so.
WakoDoodleeg. if it wasn't leaked we'd likely have a much nicer and friendlier story like say: Typhlosion is a friendly pokemon who helps humans who are upset by chering them up or something
Whopper223i think the reason the scrayquazadit was because of nintendo Shigeru
TheCyanSageYeah that's part of the case
WakoDoodleI thought the leaked story was the actual folklore from our world, but not finished being turned into the pokemon version
Alribnada guapo
rebaris that part of the leaks?
Alan127gracias Alrib
capoznichdrifloon hating fat kids is still the funniest thing GF has ever released
Alribcon las mentas si creo
TheCyanSageAs a type of youkai**
TheCyanSageI think it explicitly referred to Typhlosion as a Youkai
Alan127una pregunta, se puede cambiar la naturaleza de un pokemon?
TheCyanSageWasn't the Lore Document about all of them based on some sort of Japanese Folklore?
WakoDoodleit isn't?
WakoDoodleya, the final version is kid friendly and barely anything related.
Whopper223that is not the same for typhlosion
DravynLeCruxFrosslass is just lonely.
WakoDoodlelike how froslass is based on a folklore of a snow woman to dooms people in a snowstorm. Froslass isn't that same lady since its a pokemon
TheCyanSageI remember people at least saying that the entire thing was fake because of the Machine Translation, so I might've mixed up the OP's post with the others, oops.
Whopper223it was actually in the demo for gold and silver
WakoDoodleyeah. It was based off a story/folklore from our world and wasn't finished being translated for kid
✏mattgcnnothing that's unreleased is canon
✏mattgcnright but they didnt overblow that it was mistranslated, they simply provided an accurate one
Whopper223it kinda is
TheCyanSageit's not canon so
TheCyanSageRegardless it's neither here nor there
TheCyanSageI mean yeah the thing was mistranslated but it was still a weird story regardless
✏mattgcni mean @ cyan
Whopper223you aren't a mod matt
Whopper223that would be a mod
Whopper223wait isn't it a aligator
TheCyanSageTbh the person claiming that Typhlosion's was "mistranslated" overblew it too
WakoDoodleor the creepy balloon
WakoDoodleor the hypnotising man
TheCyanSagenever the octopus or the dinosaur
✏mattgcnyou mean the one misrepresented by bad machine translation
TheCyanSageits always the damn fire badger
Whopper223hey anyone heard about typhlosion?
WakoDoodlebut on the bright side, made the hunt more exciting
DroncarAlright thx then, i didnt see any update on it
WakoDoodlewhat a time to decide to do all the pokedex and evos, the same few weeks its been dodgy XD
✏mattgcnthought that was fixed already
DroncarIs there any update on the weather issue matt?
✏mattgcnprobably since the new evolution methods were activated
✏mattgcnits only been for the last few weeks afaik
WakoDoodleexplains why some mons I've had evolve far later than the site would suggest :p
juandavvvvIt's good to know :)
✏mattgcnthe evolution triggers seem to be a bit dodgy at the moment but rare candies always seem to do it
juandavvvvAtrocean is in my team rn :)
juandavvvvTHANK YOU SO MUCH!!
✏mattgcnONE LEVEL REMAINS for my quest. i know PE is gonna make me work for it and not give me any pickup drops
✏mattgcnyeah try it out
juandavvvvIt's the pokemon that not evolve
juandavvvvI should give the rare candy to Sloowin?
juandavvvvI'm in battle one oment
juandavvvvI think yes
✏mattgcndid you get the rare candy i tried to send
juandavvvvMy pokemon doesnt evolve
juandavvvvthere's someone to help me?
WakoDoodlebut I can get why it was removed too.
WakoDoodletbh I like the idea for some mons to have them
rebari think majin has one
rebarsome people still have them i believe
rebarno rainbow was a variant of shinies
juandavvvvwhat's the problem?
WakoDoodlefrom what I heard the rainbow was added to all mons and ppl didn't like it on their mons so it was removed.
juandavvvvand not evolve
juandavvvvMy sloowin is lvl 38
juandavvvvI have a problem
WakoDoodlecould the add things like metal, ghost, dark, etc.. (using pokemon crater as an example for placeholder ideas) ? Maybe but the rainbow disaster means its unlikely to happen.
rebarbut they look mad goofy
rebarno disrespect to who made them
IcymossNah I liked rainbows
WakoDoodleI heard after rainbow it was so bad they stopped
rebarrainbows look like ass ngl
rebarhopefully never