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Zarutoi'm watching one called EDP Watch
Icymosswant to see my cat after some HEAVY playing/running???
DrexTructionalthough I mostly see it by watching reactions of MoistCritikal watching it
DrexTructionI've also seen a bunch of to catch a predator on YouTube
Zarutono on youtube not the show
samwichconlimonwhen you could be watching edge of sleep for markiplier
DrexTructionit's an interesting show
Zarutowhy am I watching how to catch a pedo
samwichconlimonliked it but got distracted
ZarutoI seen everyone and read every chapter I need a life
DrexTructiondidn't like it?
DrexTructionwhich one?
samwichconlimonI have seen 1 episode of 1 piece
DrexTructionthey're probably giving time to breathe for the manga
DrexTructionand the anime's taking a 6 month break
ZarutoNOOOOO I wanted to Elbaf
DrexTructionsadly we got a 3 week hiatus in the manga
samwichconlimonbut the one piece is
DrexTructionwhitebeard disagrees
Zarutothe once peice is not real
DrexTructionno matter where I step I fall down
Icymossdont do route 0...
DrexTructionspeaking of which, I legit don't know how to get past the 2nd trial
meggieportim Terrible at platforming in this game apparently, are there other games that have platforming like that?... I already saw behind bills house and was just like 'lol nope'
Icymossgz maggie now you can get a Alola Vulpix
DrexTructionheck, I haven't seen a chansey yet
DrexTructionI legit got a shiny before I got 2 scythers
meggieportI FINALLY got to the end of kohaku jesus
PrimalGzzzzzz Drex
Zarutothat dosen't matter
samwichconlimonno. no mic
Mowgli23lets goooo
Zarutojoin general ya'll it fun trust
VessI'll join vc rq lol
DrexTructionthank goodness
Vessbidoof it
Vesswhich can be used in conjunction with as few as one or two other pieces of info to impersonate you
Zarutosurprised you actually joined
Vesswhich granted, general age is still a bit touchy. but it's not super unsafe, especially compared to dropping your birth date
Zarutolol nowgli
DrexTructiondo not run
DrexTructionit's an exeggcute
meggieportmy birthday is for sure on the internet somewhere else lmao
IcymossGL GL
VessI've worked with info security stuff enough to know what I should/shouldn't say
DrexTructionoh burmy I'm in the safari zone
IcymossI mena yea its a chat room pretty much lol#
DrexTructionTHAT'S A SHINY
DrexTructionOH wooper
DrexTructionbecause most people just talk here, Mowgli
Vessbecause that info can be used
VessI won't spill my birthday though
Vessbut I don't mind saying how many years old I am
DrexTructionsomeone's age is an information that's fair to hide on the internet
Vessyeah. being mysterious is the way to go
Mowgli23why does nobody use gen chat in the discord
DrexTructionI wouldn't call it mysterious
Icymoss120 THERE I SAID IT
meggieporti think it's fair to be mysterious
IcymossI am in my 20s but I wont say ^^
VessI'm gonna say icy is 23 or 24
DrexTructiondepending on your country, that's like 14 in germany or 21 in schoolshootland
IcymossI need to be MYSTERIOUS
Mowgli23samwich we know ur like 17
IcymossI keep IRL secret
samwichconlimonI can legally dink. that is all I will say
DrexTructionI'm turning 23 next month
Vessstill young and. alright not spry, but that's just my health. but I am young
ZarutoI'm only 20 lol
Icymosshehe I guess that can be a presend enjoy lol
Mowgli23lol im only 25
VessI'm only 24
Vessalso mowgli
meggieporticymoss you gave me a present already (the nidoran)
Zarutohappy birthday meggie
Vesshappy bday!
IcymossHappy late birthday Meggie!
meggieportthank u
Mowgli23wait i need to hear confirmation
DrexTructionhappy belated birthday
IcymossYea Im joking hehe