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Ytlok bro its all good
ViralMagnumTyphlotambien tiene que estar tu sube registrada sino te cobran 170 % mas
NetroMonmy time has come
NetroMonSorry mate I gotta go
ad11como 743 pesos una cosa asi
ad11ayer si lo tome para ir al complejo art media y me parecio raro el valor de boleto
ViralMagnumTyphlosi, descuento del 70 % algo porciento si era en menos de dos horas como un COMBAZO
ad11viste que cuando combinas medios de transporte tenias un beneficio
ad11asi que me la van a poner
ad11no soy de tomar colectivo pero si el tren va a perder los beneficios del segundo y tercer viaje
ViralMagnumTyphlono paro de tozer, y aumento el boleto de colectivo al final? como cuanto te sale?
ViralMagnumTyphlome arde toda la nariz x'd
ad11estas mejor del resfrio?
ad11una genialidad eso amigo
ad11uuuu que rico pizza casera
ViralMagnumTyphlogenial! me alegro! yo me la pase resfriado y almorzamos pizza casera
ad11en el lugar, el complejo art media estaba todo calefaccionado
ad11no hacia tanto frio por suerte
ad11una locura hermosa, lo pase muy bien
ViralMagnumTyphloentiendo, y te divertiste? :O todo bien? no hacia frio?
ViralMagnumTyphlobody slam is way better and may cause paralysis
ad11vos que sos de arg seguro la ubicas
ViralMagnumTyphloSlam: Power 80 accuracy 75, Body Slam: Power 85, Accuracy 100
ad11ayer fui a ver una banda a capital, 1915
ad11bien amigo, amaneciendo
ViralMagnumTyphlohola ad11, todo bien, vos?
NetroMoncause dartini has slam
ad11buen dia a todos! como estan?
Ytlthen upgrade it next time to sth else
ColosoalIs thawraxs ability broken
Ytlgive it i guess
ColosoalYo viral
NetroMonaaa ok I should give this to dartini
ViralMagnumTyphlobody slam may cause paralisis
Ytlbody slam paralyses while slam always misses
NetroMonwhat the diff about slam and body slam?
NetroMonI thougt it could flinch man rip poison sting
Ytlnormal damage move
NetroMonso its just a dmg normal type move ?
Ploutofignore targets boost
ColosoalIs thawraxes ability broken I swore it worked before
Ploutofnormal type, physical 70 base power
LeafyPoipoleIts a normal type move
LeafyPoipoleChip away does fixed Chip Damage if i remember correctly
NetroMonreally? cause queen learnt this
ViralMagnumTyphlophysical damange
ViralMagnumTyphloit's like a bite or something, bug type i think
NetroMonwhat does chip away do?
NetroMonI was a bit afraid cause my bell is about to die and I dont want it to be left behind
ViralMagnumTyphloso yeah, grinding
ViralMagnumTyphloyou can leave the ship anytime and go back to the pokemon center
Ytland once the ship departs u cant get them again
NetroMonfor the big tip
NetroMonaaa I see ok thx viral
Ytlu can skip the passengers i guess but there are items
NetroMonthe passanger? or I have to?
ViralMagnumTyphloexplore all rooms because the're tms you will never get ever again in there
NetroMoncan I just skip?
ViralMagnumTyphlofight all your way throught to the captain room, he will give you cut HM
NetroMontrue but refresh the tab and my bell is back
Ytlfight trainers and talk to the captain to get cut
NetroMonsorry what do I need to do on the ship?
Ytlshould have cloned charmeleon then trade with others
Ytlu cloned magikarps
NetroMonand I got 2 magikarps for somereason
NetroMonafter I just finish fighting
NetroMoni try to change my formation
NetroMonI think I accidently bug the game
Ytlguess u rly liked tanks..
Yoloking2001thanks wow
Yoloking2001alrioght tanks guys
ViralMagnumTyphlotalk to the npcs with a wing symbol
ViralMagnumTyphlogo to any pokemon center then
Ytlyoloking u need to talk to npcs with a wing symbol on their heads
Yoloking2001how can i get back to hub island?
Ytlfight trainers, and talk to the capt
NetroMonwhat do I need to do if I hop on the ship?
Ytltry again next time i guess if u wan an abra
Ytlthey are npcs
NetroMonI found an abra but it ran