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Rolyataylor2Just joined, I'm gonna try to be more active in the future
@Fuzzythe invite link's on the pokengine home page!
Rolyataylor2But not in The Discord
Rolyataylor2Yes i am on discord
@Fuzzyyeah kyle wanted it to be a secret!
rebari had no clue
rebarno way
@Fuzzyits related to its signature move
@Fuzzynekrocat does indeed evolve
rebari dont think it does
UdorothI saw that it evolves again
rebarif thats what you mean i have zero clue
rebardo you mean to evolve into necrocat?
rebarthats the final evo
UdorothSo how do I evolve Nekrocat?
BaskOfSoftKittyThe nameplate stack grows
@Fuzzyroly are you in the discord?
Rolyataylor2He has a whole universe in his head
@Fuzzyhe likes things to be a surprise
@Fuzzyme too
rebari always wonder what he's working on
rebari always see him afk on the roof of the hub building and stuff
Rolyataylor2Oh yeah jext is a beast in coding
rebarhe seems to be working a ton ngl
Rolyataylor2Dang jext, slacking off again, he is supposed to update every hour
@Fuzzyeveryone who can fix it is asleep so just gotta wait
@Fuzzyyeah weather is crashing the game right now, due to the update earlier today
Trollhuntermy errors say mon is not defined
@Fuzzyyeah total of 4, ive had other bosses and things to fill in for the other gyms
Trollhunteryes weather
Trollhuntertext is stuck floating
Rolyataylor2OIC. Total of 4 gyms is the plan, or just where your at?
Trollhuntermy game just froze.
@Fuzzybeen working on a lot of things too, like battle code and other regions code
@Fuzzyyes I released 3 gyms out of 4 in rica
rebarreaper cloth is for dusknoir i believe?
rebaraugurite is for cleavor
Ascelinwhat is Black Augurite and Reaper Cloth used for?
meggieport(not to butt into the conversation, but congrats on the degree, that's quite an accomplishment)
Rolyataylor2have you been working on your region still?
Rolyataylor2I noticed its pretty packed in here
Rolyataylor2:D congrats, That is amazing!
@Fuzzypokengine has really exploded lately, its  been a lot of fun
@Fuzzygood! i finally finished with my degree
Rolyataylor2I am doing well, lots of life happens then i'm back
@Fuzzyhaven't seen you in ages! how are you?
Rolyataylor2its been so long
@Fuzzyomg roly!!!
Rolyataylor2In austrailia its called a bandicoot
@Fuzzyfreezing in battle is just a crash
@Fuzzybtw a softlock is when you are not frozen or crashed, but cant progress because something important isnt triggering
@Fuzzyand what happened in battle?
ReinhildeFreeze in battle
@Fuzzyor are you just trapped in the room?
@Fuzzyi mean you you get locked on a particular mon?
rebari find those cause several crashes
rebarwere you using a mon with levitate perhaps
ReinhildeYes, the battle started and no, I didn't freeze any mon
@Fuzzydo you freeze on a specific mon?
rebarlikely either a 2 turn move or something to do with Earthquake
@Fuzzylike, does the battle start?
ReinhildeNo idea
rebarin what way?
ReinhildeIs it just me or Brock in battle bastion is broken
TrollhunterOk thanks
rebarafter the tutorial
@Fuzzyyou always have it
Trollhunterwhen do u get global PC in hub
Vanlehmanyeah he gave me free balls but he's not giving them to me anymore... guess im heading to the castle
celthesleepyfoxAh, didn't know about the free balls tho
Vanlehmanohhhh ok
@Fuzzycabbie gives you free balls til you get into the mansion
celthesleepyfoxYou gotta get in the castle first
VanlehmanWhats the Foyer??? sorry im just now starting??
BaskOfSoftKittyTo the right of the foyer
VanlehmanWhere can i buy pokeballs in Borovia??
meggieportbc i did kill it
meggieportok phew it just stays there
meggieportinfamous even
rebaryeah i found that out on accident
@Fuzzyoh interesting
TrollhunterHey it's meggieport that guy who just keeps killing legendares.
rebarit asks you who you want to deposit
rebaryeah you cant if you drag it in but i think if you press z
@Fuzzyit never lets me
@Fuzzydamn really
@Fuzzyits a bit awkward, but you need to empty party first
rebaroddly enough