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darkeryetdarkerstill im picking meganium bc i love that girl with my heart
MxDemeanorI'm not making a full team named LightDiablo
MxDemeanorYou can only have one smh
darkeryetdarkeror harsholme
darkeryetdarkerwell i mean in like rica bs
LightDiabloI want the following: Hisuan Zoroark, Blaziken, Walrein, Zekrom (can switch it to Braviary if no legendary), Gliscor and a Metagross
MxDemeanorSuki has their fanmade zorua as a sidequest
MxDemeanorIt can be a fakemon
MxDemeanorBy the way guys. Fwendy wens is a refrence to Nerdy Prudes Must Die you uncultured *****
darkeryetdarkerwell tbh idk bc it 100% can't be a fakemon sooooo wait i got it MEGANIUM
MxDemeanorDark, Light, which mon do you want (i'm not giving some random trainer a legendary
LightDiabloshould we make a guild mx, like the ones in server
MxDemeanoroh! Right yeah, I'm putting all my fwendy wens in my region as special trainers with your signature mon named after you
LightDiablohey droncar
darkeryetdarkerroute 0 is hell 1 to hell idfk
DroncarHow are you guys doing?
LightDiabloI thought I was already In hell
Droncar9 circles
LightDiablothere is another hell?
LightDiablo(sorry man dunno who u are, the best I can do)
darkeryetdarkerso mx how is hell going?
LightDiablohey rando
aceofspadezhey everyoone long time no see
MxDemeanorpointing laughing imagine catching pokemon in a pokemon game
LightDiabloimma make a sprite for myself
LightDiablothat's my signature pokemon
LightDiablomy shiny lugia
LightDiablou know what mine is?
LightDiabloMx's signature pokemon
LightDiablothat's why I should never lose in kanto
LightDiablofor as much ultra balls as I can
MxDemeanormy level 100 lucario will sweep the game
MxDemeanorI have no need for money
LightDiabloand voila it worked
LightDiabloI thought it would work here
MxDemeanorfair enough fair enough
LightDiablowell I found it when I was playing fire red for pokedex completion
MxDemeanorI think its Xite
MxDemeanorbidoof I forgot
LightDiablowho did?
MxDemeanorI think it wasssssss
MxDemeanorOh yeah someone already found that
LightDiablou need to be before beating the nugget bridge tho
LightDiablobut it takes time
LightDiablothere is a strat to get infinite money in retro kanto
LightDiablooh ye Mx
LightDiabloI thought something esle
LightDiablobut it is kinda funny
MxDemeanorJust finished sorting out an issue with one of my bots
darkeryetdarkerstill i think its better then around 10 two tile jumps in a row
darkeryetdarkerso the path i picked has that bs
darkeryetdarkeroh it also splits
darkeryetdarkerjesus christ their is a like 40 jumps with break bs here huh
darkeryetdarkermore so trial 9 of it
LightDiablono route 0 trials
Locke1st rica gym?
darkeryetdarkerjesus the slider 2 tile jumps are nuts
LightDiablotyped 1 instead of 0
LightDiablooh wait mb
darkeryetdarkerlight its route 0
LightDiablonah its next to bills house
GraalOtonamiI passed through Route 1 earlier, I didn't see anything?
darkeryetdarkeralso why is their blood everywhere
LightDiabloits the route 1 trials graal
darkeryetdarkersliding vitctims is trial 9 name...
GraalOtonamiWhat are these trials?
darkeryetdarkerTRIAL 8 IS DONE
LightDiabloye it disconnected
darkeryetdarkermust say the trial with the vulture is mudkiping painful
LightDiabloJext wins in the end
ItsCarrotthe trials are pretty cool (everyone suffer)
LightDiablogood thing I quit the trials lol
crimsonsavage98i cant get past trial 5 keep getting almost caught by the rhinos which then makes me jump off the side
darkeryetdarkerbc their is lil bit of that
darkeryetdarkerheh but do you love doing bike zingzag jumps?
MxDemeanori hate the bikes
darkeryetdarkerwell get ready for bike chill trial
MxDemeanorI'm almost finished trial 6
darkeryetdarkeri think im further lmao