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xxninjacatboyxxhow long does it take to get through kanto?
BladeVap(remember kids: Danny Devito is a blessing)
Cbillor is it always the same doing that
PixieRetro Hoenn is a beloved Retro region with a lot of water
BladeVapi start eatin' garbage
Cbillaraima does refreshing the game works for shiny hunting it?
BladeVapand then
samwichconlimonmatias, head for somewhere you could ship out from. Look for characters with a wing over their head
AraimaDoughz is the Trashman confirmed
GemWolfZthere better be something good back here
Doughzfor some reason i want trash
KingMatiasIII1812how do I do it
Doughzi would be happy getting a heart scale
Doughzoh my god
GemWolfZsucking at bill's parkour together <3
BladeVapwhich region are you in now?
BladeVapOhh, you do mean region?
xxninjacatboyxxsecond floor of a pokecenter
Doughzi tought it was trash
KingMatiasIII1812how do I switch the region I'm playing
Doughzi got a sticky barb
samwichconlimonyou mean go to another region, just find a character with a wing over their head
BladeVapI think they mean version, assuming retro region
xxninjacatboyxxits basically open world mmo you can always fast travel
CbillI have been encountering it and refreshing the page, does that work or is it the same thing every time?
xxninjacatboyxxyou mean region?
KingMatiasIII1812is it possible to switch the game I'm playing
Araimaif you caught it, reset borovia, and encounter it again, if u reload/run it won't respawn
GemWolfZnodding wisely. bill is a gamer
Araimait respawns periodically if u don't catch it
samwichconlimonniva, arrown keys or click on it
Suchanut02Fire Fang or Flamethrower on my Grimfernal?
BladeVapit can be shiy, Cbill
BladeVapBecause he's Bill, and he is just kinda like that
Niva4677how can i target a mon during 2v2 battles?
Cbillthe one in barovia
Cbillcan the mightiro encounter be shiny and how would I hunt it?
GemWolfZwhy does he have a roblox obby back here
biologobughi i forgot how i go behind bills house
Pixiecatching a pokemon in another region counts toward the centennial valley completion?
Doughzoh god and my luck has been horrible after something happend in my life
AraimaUhh, good luc?  :D?
Doughzyou need 30 right?
bitbycharlieanything i should know before i meet the count?
BladeVapI have five so far
samwichconlimonyeah, I fished in my previous try and never saw trash
BladeVapyou'll likely find more Gobbeal than trash items
AraimaIt's not cool when I want a shiny frodent!
BladeVapit's not common, Doughz
BladeVapcryometry is cool
Doughzcan make us get the trash?
Araima5 eggs, 3 balloongas, 1 cryometry, 1 frodent
Doughzdoes this place we are
bitbycharlieyou gotta call her out on fb now
xxninjacatboyxxsounds fun
xxninjacatboyxxok ill do battle tower
xxninjacatboyxxshe told me this as a kid when we played pokemon and i..... head in hands
AraimaThat's some gen 1 style of rumor xD
bitbycharlietrade her pokemon away
Suchanut02Yeah, that's JUSt EV's
Doughzi think rare candies just make you not get evs
samwichconlimonrare candies should not do that ever?
xxninjacatboyxx....was that a lie my sister told me so id grind her pokemon for her
PG55if i lose a leg, where do i feel the pain?
Araimarare...candies...negating learning moves?  Eh?
xxninjacatboyxxor is exp candies different?
bitbycharlieis there a reason that i have 2 necronomicons>
xxninjacatboyxxi thought rare candies would negate getting new moves though?
XdotSVthen use the bp to buy exp candies
DaltonisHuh, putting Pokemon into the PC doesn't refresh their PP cool
XdotSVeasiest way to level up in hub is grind battle factory or battle tower
xxninjacatboyxxim running around battling npcs to level up