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FvfvfgrOh, you're right, I didn't notice that, thank you
RexAbdulyou can see footsteps where they are hiding
FvfvfgrDoes anyone know where the third rat guy is? I found the one in the well and under the door
Sake-KunI hear Balloonga & the first thing that came to mind was Kingdom Hearts for some reason.
ChaoticOrigin*I curse thy, INFINITE BALLOONGA*
AraimaNot when I want a shiny Frodent!
ChaoticOriginBalloonga is fun tho
XdotSVor retro hoenn
Sake-KunBut when they get the breeding in game, Rica is likely the region to have it.
RexAbdulwhen u enter the catsle the room to the ledt
TheNewKingBretthe bed itself
AraimaI hate Balloonga eggs T_T
gabgabanu22where is the healing room
XdotSVbreeding is not implemented yet
RexAbdulyou cant rn
XdotSVyou dont
Tozinowhere's daycare, rather, how do i breed to get eggs?
RexAbdulthere is a pc in the healing room
TheNewKingBretonce you get to the count you dont have to face the guards again
gabgabanu22can i access my pc in borovia before fighting the count? i accidentally sent a pokemon to boxes that i wanted
SerenoticIs thawrax just rare or is there some condition to find one?
@Fuzzyyou can check what the shinies look like on site
Lupin98Ack, welp guess my Golden Girl will have to reamin Lv 8 then XD
Forrtreshello anyone know how to unlock the global pc in retro kanto i already defeated the elite four and be the champ
XdotSVit changes
XdotSVso yes
XdotSVeach pokemon has a unique shiny
Lupin98hey there everyone, just a little question: does anybody know if a shiny in this game ramains the same colour throghout its evolution line or does it change?
SchmiddyHow does Skowl evolve?
RexAbduloki thx
RexAbdulcan i evolve monstricity before fighing the count?
&KingTapirit's the same list as the one from BDSP iirc
XdotSVdoes anyone have a list of all the items that can be obtained by pickup?
TheShortythey are just testing the insulation of their walls
Aki-Munpfft amazing then. Either way I saw them in the walls yesterday so I was surprised XD
XdotSVjext is the lead dev i think
Aki-Mun...whoever Jext is they're STILL in the walls in Borovia omg
Aki-MunYou're welcome!
PaninoA2OcchiArceus bless u thx
Aki-MunDrag the Pokeball from the inventory to the main screen
XdotSV7 minutes irl time is 1 hour in-game time
PaninoA2Occhi*doesn't appear sorry
Aki-MunNecronomicon goes to library
Aki-MunI think it changes every hour? It's on a cycle??
Roktharwhere should I use the necronomicon in borovia??
XdotSVit is night in-game now
PaninoA2OcchiOk now, when i click the pokéball in battle to catch a damn pidgey the "trow" or "catch" or anything similar button appears, or am i  locked?
Sake-Kun17:00 or 18:00?
SchmiddyWhat in game time does night start?
Sake-KunIn fact, if I'm ever going to get involved with the creative side of this community, I might end up focusing quite a lot in that direction.
vank012wrong key
eeramif i leave a region do i have to start it all over when i come back
AraimaI've done Mt. Battle more times than I care to admit
Sake-KunIt's more interesting to me too.
AraimaDouble battles can make a lot of fights easier
PaninoA2OcchiI still can't catch mons
Sake-KunYet again, this is coming from the SMT IV fanatic in the room.
Sake-KunMine were 29-33, the gyms weren't that hard if I'm being honest.
TheNewKingBretthat doesnt sound right
TheNewKingBretall four gyms king?
&KingTapiri think my pokemon were around level 30 when i finished rica
PaninoA2OcchiOk now that didn't worked
Icymosspee mon
@Fuzzyif the shiny is yellow they prolly look pretty similar lol
AraimaWell one has an alternate pallet.  The other is gold tinted
XdotSVhow are golden pokemon different from shiny pokemon?
AraimaI wish golden eggs in easter island respawned after you cleared part 2 :<
@Fuzzylong tap on the item, then in the menu that pops ip, tap use
&KingTapiropen your bag with start, then hold down on a pokeball of your choosing
eeramYeah, Broken feels really underwhelming lol as soon as i caught glumence i mained it
PaninoA2OcchiI'm on mobile, i can't catch pokemon because there's no button, how do i cach mons?
Sincubustbh I also heard about this game from youtube, like a week or so ago
@Fuzzyanyone finish rica recently? what lv are your mons?
@Fuzzywe haven't put too much time into advertising, we just chug along on our regions
Sincubusyo sacred had a hard time in that video lol
eeramnever even heard of this game till today
eerami ended up here frrom the Sacred Video honestly
&KingTapireveryone's clearly inspired as we go into summer
&KingTapirthere's definitely been more activity recently which is nice
@Fuzzy2020 was a good year, we were all home with too much free time :')
@Fuzzyyeah in 2020
XdotSVborovia was a halloween event right?
@Fuzzya few of the regions were originally events like easter island
@Fuzzymaybe we'll get a winter one together in time this year