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babylonmfing az has got some cars wtf
TheNewKingBretwhich form?
babylonoh dustar
TheNewKingBretno what pokemon are you hunting?
babylonbut not really
skyegrim99Im j trying to beat harsholme but the grind is real
babylonlike gambling
babylonbc its fun
TheNewKingBretget some rest at some point. what are you shinying hurting?
babyloni am used to normal shiny hunting
TheNewKingBrettime you have be at work?
babylonYES I KNOW
TheNewKingBretit better the main line game chances
babylonim catchin em all
babylonwhy cant i get a shiny
babylon1/1000 feels so low
skyegrim99i havent seen a single shiny yet lol
babyloncute shiny
babylonhey azria
TheNewKingBretalmost here
babylonwanna sleep but not excited to work
babylonme too its like midnight here
TheNewKingBretit my grammer's
TheNewKingBretthey dont get great servce. no worries i'm bit tired.
babylontry again
babylonim tipsy sorry
TheNewKingBretthey do fet servce but it greats most of time.
babylonpretty mountains, pretty hikes, but no burmying service
TheNewKingBretooohh yea i can see that
babylontennessee/georgia area
babylonon t mbile
TheNewKingBretare you in the states?
babylonwe barely get servce out here
babylonbut it sucks
babylonwe have wifi in the kitchen/living room area
TkG Wtf is dis game
TheNewKingBrethow you get internet do you use your phone?
babylonit sucks out here
TheNewKingBretdamn really babylol?
babylonliving out of my car
babylondreading going back to florida bc i might literally be homeless
babyloni hate that hippowdon
babylonfor bidoofing real ace
AceheartI wish houses were cheap already so I can stop renting under slum lords
babylonthe hell do i do
babylonand my cars hippowdoned and my phones mudkiped like goomy
TheNewKingBretnot really it when doing overtime its hell
babylon40 hrs a week is hell
babylonrayquaza sucks
babylonwith a full time job ye bret
TheNewKingBretbro living cost is about 15.00 hour to live
Araimabut cold
Araimaimagine a rodent
AceheartI'mma need the nursing home in office to get it together
babylontf is a frodent
Araimawhy have the frodent forsaken me?  :sob:
babylonim in tennessee on the border of georgia and its pretty but it mudkipen sucks
skyegrim997.25 in a college town should be illegal
XdotSVinflation :/
TheNewKingBretthis why i drive to new york tho lol
★Azria ★everything rising but wages
babylonsame here in buttburmy nowhere
AceheartI live in a college town
skyegrim99thats not even breakfast
skyegrim997.25 is diabolical
skyegrim99u gotta live in the sticks bro
skyegrim99dawg what
AceheartMin wage here is still 7.25
TheNewKingBrethaha i wish federal mimimun is $7.25 here
babylonyeah it sucks
babylonace gets it
babylonof course it isnt bc those rich f words dont care
AceheartLol most jobs around me dont want to pay more than $11hr but want 1.5k in rent
skyegrim99dam i didnt know it was like that in florida
babylon2k a month is normal back in orlando
★Azria ★they raised the federal minimum wage here to $14. still not livable.
babylonthats how it is
TheNewKingBretyour rent must be low
babylonits barely liveable for me
TheNewKingBrethow much is your rent?
skyegrim9940 a week.. try 2k a month
babylonaND pay 40 a week for rent
TheNewKingBreti make 20 and it hard to live off
skyegrim99thats not livable in nyc lmao
Aceheart I must have murked all the dang lost souls or something