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BladeVapsomeone has it in borovia
BladeVapGargryph is a trademon, Xw
GemWolfZawww cute
Xwlolno, but where i can get gargryph?
BladeVaplisten, i had an omanyte in HeartGold that was special to me. First pokemon to get the gold leaf crown thingy
BladeVapbut in terms of what you get from them, helix
BladeVapI like both, but in terms of fossils purely from name, dome
GemWolfZi used to always pick helix for the meme but im a kabuto fan now
Lag_Altrashold amber gang
Doughzso idk
DaltonisAlways Helix
Doughzi dont use any fossil pokemon
GemWolfZhey chat are we dome fossil gang or helix fossil gang
Suchanut02Need any other trade evo's?
Xwlolthanks bro
Lag_AltrashCV doesn't have. and maybe won't. but you can hope
Suchanut02now to trade it back
Xwloli'm dumb bruh
BladeVaplove that design
Suchanut02Then click the checkmark
bitbycharliewho's "theshorty"?
GemWolfZi hate cavesss
xxninjacatboyxxdoes centential valley have global pc?
BladeVapBalanoral, my child
CbillI got a prism scale :]
Suchanut02So it might be hiding behind the main screen
Xwlolhow i check it
Suchanut02Have you checked the trade wisget?
&KingTapiri'll add deep sea fishing to the harbour too
DaltonisThat's why I said limited experiance
DaltonisYeah might be just rng messing with me
&KingTapiras long as you can fish, it's always the same odds of an item
&KingTapirfishing is all the same to my knowledge
BladeVapi'm doing myself one better
DaltonisSmall water ponds, almost puddles netted items more often than open water like seas or lakes
BladeVapI poked around that spot
&KingTapirgood luck! you gonna try for two?
BladeVapto your*
BladeVapbtw tapir, I do plan on going for shiny Granityke next, thanks toyour advice
Pixiei can get farfetch in kanto right?
&KingTapiri was worried jext had remove it lmao
DaltonisIdk what the chances are but with my limited fishing experiance it depended on the location
&KingTapirbut you did fish up a trash? that's good at least
skyegrim99and 1 trash
skyegrim99ive literally only fished pokemon so far
&KingTapiri know a guy who did like 9999 magikarp encounters who had hundreds lmao
&KingTapirso trash must be in there somewhere
&KingTapirwhen you fish, there's a 60% chance to get an item instead of an encounter
BladeVapit's a really neat mon
Baeconbut what if there was a timeline where islundaia hit the gym and didnt die of old age?
BladeVapI firmly believe that Islandaia needs a new lease on life or at least a child
bitbycharlieis there anything else i can do besides this boss rn? xd
&KingTapiri just know you can fish them up sometimes
&KingTapirno clue @ skyegrim99
Lag_Altrashit's dying. let it sleep in peace
skyegrim99what is the trash chance tapir?
Baeconthats what the engine is for anyway
Lag_Altrashmore like a homage
BladeVapmore of a "just in case" thing I guess
&KingTapirbut you can't catch it naturally
BladeVapI know Islandaia has a cry so maybe it's there
&KingTapirit has stats and sprites etc
Levershajanyone know a quick way to grind for the tower guards in Borovia?
Baeconi dont have islundaia in there?
BladeVapIt counts?
Suchanut02Uhm... The Aerodactyl skeleton is weak to physical attacks, the other is weak to special
&KingTapirthe dex is 72 because islundaia is there as well
&KingTapirit's a pokemon you'll already have
MothKingWhere can i find red oricorio in cloudia ??/
GemWolfZwhy can sandshrew use poison sting anyway
bitbycharlieany tips? xd
BladeVapmy pokedex for harsholme is now 71/72 :eyes:
Cyberstar /unstuck if you're stuck!
Suchanut02It does, yeah
BladeVapthe reward for 30 trash is a Pokemon isn't it?
bitbycharlieoh god this double skeleton battle sucks
Xwlolwait here
Xwloli'm gonna close the game and open it
BladeVapsorry Guthix, just noticed your username